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Once the bullet was removed and her arm was wrapped up in a pristine bandage that Mr Dawson luckily had, both Elizabeth and Alex returned to where he had been sitting previously, where they huddled together once more.

Tommy was just a foot away, perched on the worktop of the kitchen and the three of them would share small smiles and nods with each other every half hour or so.

Mr Dawson and Peter were handing out cups of tea when Collins appeared at the top of the stairs, "There's a fighter."

Alex's hand gripped hers tightly as they heard the sound of approaching engines and the soldiers all started to anxiously fidget in their spots.

From upstairs, she could hear Mr Dawson's instructions to Peter and all she could do, like everyone else who couldn't see what was coming or what was going on, was wait.

She hid her face in Alex's shoulder. Surely she wasn't going to be on a fourth boat that would be succumbed to the sea. She knew that if it happened again, then she wasn't going to get out of it alive.

Her eyes clenched shut and her hand tightened in Alex's as the boat lurched to the left and the sound of the German aircraft faded as it moved on.

The soldiers around them started cheering quietly, making Elizabeth smile. It was nice for her to see a look of happiness on their weary faces. Instead of them looking so scared, which is what she was used to.

"What do you think is going to happen when we get back?" Alex asked, making her look up at him, "I bet they'll be spitting at us in the streets."

"Alex," she admonished, "Don't say that."

"It's true though."

"You don't know that. You guys are heroes. You were fighting for your country."

"Yeah," he muttered bitterly, "And look, we had to get rescued by old men and their fishing boats." He closed his eyes and rest his head back against the wood, which Elizabeth took to mean that the conversation was over.


It was nearing midnight when they started closing in on home and Elizabeth had made her way back upstairs, emerging to see Peter was in charge of the wheel while his dad continued to hand out tea to everyone.

She wordlessly took a seat by the young boy, biting her nails as she watched him steer.
"I'm really sorry about your friend," she murmured, "I'm sorry I couldn't help."

"We were just too late." was all he said and she reached out and squeezed his hand.

Elizabeth stayed with Peter until the cliffs of the English coast came into view and she perked up, practically pressing her face against the small window of the boat but she turned when Tommy and Alex started making their ways up too.

"No," Peter murmured, "Stay downstairs please."

"We just wanna see the cliffs," Tommy replied and Peter took a few minutes but nodded.

"Is it Dover?"

"No. That," the young boy murmured, pointing to the cliffs, "Is Dorset. But it's home."

"We let you all down, didn't we?" Alex asked, not looking away from the cliffs.

Peter said nothing.

Elizabeth took both of their hands and started leading them towards the back of the boat, where most of the soldiers seemed to be taking some well deserved rest. She led them toward Collins, who was resting with his arms crossed on the wood of the boat in front of him but he looked at them when they stopped beside him.

"How's the arm?" he asked and Elizabeth gave him a smile.

"I think I'll live."

The cliffs were really something to be admired and she felt the familiar feeling of home settle into her stomach. Then, her smile fell. As soon as they were back on land, they were going to be put on a train and taken to prepare for the next battle. The battle for Britain. An attack would be imminent.

The boats began docking and one by one, those on the Moonstone slowly trudged off, back onto dry land and when she felt Alex tugging on her hand, she let go so she could thank Collins once more, holding out her uninjured arm so he could shake his hand,  "Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it." 

"Take care of yourself, lass." he replied, giving her a bright smile before she was dragged back by Alex. 

The docks at Weymouth were crowded with both soldiers and civilians, who were handing out more blankets and tea to those who were passing. 

Alex gripped her hand tightly as they muddled their way through the crowds. 

"Well done, lads."

She looked ahead, seeing an older gentleman who was handing out the blankets mutter that to everyone who was taking one and when they reached him, they waited for him to look up at them. 

Which he didn't. He kept his eyes on the task in front of him, "Well done."

"All we've done is survive," Alex muttered, staring at the man in disbelief. 

"And that's enough," the man continued handing out blankets, "Well done."

While Alex walked on ahead, Elizabeth gratefully took a blanket that was being held out in front of her, "Thank you."

The man looked in her general direction before nodding. 

Since he had walked on ahead, she had to push her way through the throngs of men to catch up with Alex, seeing the stern expression on his face as he climbed onto the train. 

She followed him through the carriages until he came to a relatively empty one and he took a seat in one of the empty booths, throwing his cup and blanket down into the table. 

Tommy, who she didn't even realise was behind them, fell onto the seat across from him while Elizabeth stayed standing at the top of the table, taking a look around the carriage to see if there was anything she could do. Anyone she could help. 

"Come on, Lizzie." Tommy yawned, propping the blanket between his head and the wall, "Sit down." 

She did so reluctantly, sliding into the empty spot beside Alex. 

"Did you see that old guy?" he asked after a few minutes, "He couldn't even look us in the eye." 

Sensing a change in his voice, she glanced at him to see that he had tears in his eyes. "Alex," she whispered, placing her hand on his cheek to make him look down at her. 

"He thinks we're cowards." he choked, shaking his head, "Everyone will."

"Even if they do," she murmured, making sure to keep her voice quiet, "You know that you're not. Those men and women who came out to evacuate you all, they all know you're not. And I know you're not. Right, Tommy?"

They both looked up at their friend, seeing that he had already fallen asleep and Alex sighed, resting his head back the seat where he too closed his eyes. 

Elizabeth meanwhile couldn't bring herself to close her eyes. But then she realised that she was just being silly. She was safe, her friends were safe and they were home and so pushing her nervousness aside, she wrapped her arm around Alex's and rest her head on his shoulder, which made him open his eyes again. 

She felt his eyes on him but she didn't react, just kept her eyes shut while he stared at her and then she felt his lips press the lightest kiss to her head. 

For now, he could, for just a few hours, forget that the world was at war, that in a few days, he'd be right back into the thick of it. He could just focus on the fact that he had a pretty girl sleeping against him. 

Take Me Home. - Dunkirk - Alex - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now