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i promise that alex is coming! i just love tommy so much as well and i wanted to build up a friendship between him and elizabeth!


The two of them wandered down the beach, trying to find a line for Tommy to join but whatever one he tried to join, he was told to get lost.

Elizabeth looked to where there were men being stretchered towards a large ship and she could hear a man directing them to go along the Mole. The ship would be leaving soon.

It was then that she noticed that the soldiers around them were starting to move. They were staring up at the sky, slowly inching backwards.

Tommy knew what it was before he heard it and he spun around to face the Mole, being able to see not one, not two but three German aircraft breaking through the clouds. He could feel the terror flooding through his veins, just like it always did. He took a glance at Elizabeth, seeing her staring up at the sky as well, flinching when a soldier behind him shooting up at the plane.

She had frozen.

He wordlessly reached out and took her hand again, pulling her backwards as the aircraft began dropping bombs onto the sand.

There was no way that they could escape the oncoming attack. Elizabeth could feel her hands shaking, heart pounding in her chest and as Tommy gave her hand another harsh pull, she finally turned, tripping over her own feet as she did so.

She landed on her wrist, a quiet grunt leaving her as Tommy fell onto the sand beside her but he made sure to move so he was shielding her as best he could while keeping himself covered too.

She could feel tears slipping from her eyes, dripping down her nose onto the sand as the aircraft roared over them, pressing her hands closer to her ears to try and block out everything around her.

Explosions that seemed to shake the ground were going off every few seconds, getting closer and closer to them.

They both knew that there would be one mere feet from them and so they just lay still, braced for it and it was a welcome relief when they all they were met with, was clumps of sand and dirt.

Elizabeth didn't move, even when the danger had passed, she stayed where she was, pressed against the sand until she felt Tommy's hand once again on her shoulder.

"Come on," he whispered, gently pulling her up but he quickly let go of her as she hissed in pain, "What? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she sniffled, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her dress, "I just landed on it funny is all. The real problem is how are we going to get you on that ship? It's for wounded and certain regiments."

A sudden look of realisation crossed over the young man's face and Elizabeth was stunned when he took off down the beach, calling for her to hurry up over his shoulder.

As they ran, a honk came from the ship, signalling its ever closer departure from the Mole and Elizabeth picked up the pace.

She was going to be on that boat.

"You're a genius," she whispered once they came to a halt by a cluster of stretchered bodies and she knelt down by the closest to check his pulse.


It was the same for the second but just as she was going to give up hope, the third and final man let out a weak cough.

Tommy let out a small sigh of relief. This was his last chance to get on that ship and he wouldn't be getting on without an injured soldier.

Take Me Home. - Dunkirk - Alex - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now