Chapter 3: The meeting

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When I woke up, I could see the morning sun shining brightly through the open blinds.

'Wait......didn't I shut those yesterday?' I thought about how they could be open after I had shut them, then it dawned on me.
'Those damn Maids, they always want me to get out of bed early.....'
I sighed, got out of bed and headed towards the shower. As I was taking a shower, I went over my to-do list in my head.

'Okay, so I need to go directly to Kouen's office and get the rest of the citizens tax papers in order. Then, I need to talk to Judar about what's been going on with my Djinn.....I wonder what IS going on with it.......'

*Flashback To Training*

My sword sliced through the air as I warmed up for my training session by getting my muscles ready. I stretched and started to let my energy power my Djinn. But, instead of it turning white like it normally does, it turned orange. As stared at it strangely seeing as this had never happened before. I didn't know what was wrong with it, so I just finished my training and the color didn't seem to affect anything. But I wanted to understand why the color was different. But, after I'd finished up it was super late, so I decided to call it a night and ask Judar tomorrow.

*End Flashback*

I snapped back to reality and realized I should be going. So I hopped out and started to put on some clothes while trying not to acknowledge my ugly scars. I had decided I wanted to leave the scars because I wanted to remember that what the E/n Empire did to me wasn't just a dream. The scars are also a promise to my dead friends to get revenge. I start to have an odd feeling of darkness, so I hurry out and towards Kouen's office. I open the door to see Kouen moving in hurriedly around the room.

"Prince Kouen......what's going on?" I asked and he turned around while gripping his hair in frustration.

"The file on our military plans and formations are missing." He said darkly and I started looking around quickly. 'No, the couldn't be missing I saw them just yesterday.....WHAT IF HE THINKS I TOOK THEM....Oh no......' I thought as we both panicked. Kouen took a deep breath and looked at me.

"We need to go, we have a meeting to attend." He said with a face that said he was thinking.

"But Prince Kouen what abo-DON'T W-worry about it." He said cutting me off as he tried to calm himself. I bowed, said a quick sorry and we we're on our way.

When we had made it to the meeting room, some members of Al Tharmen were assembled, along with Prince Hakuryuu, Princess Kougyoku, Prince Koumei, and Prince Kouhai.

We all sat down at a circular table and silence engulfed the room.

"Now let's beg-WAIIITT, DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!!!!!!" A loud voice that sounded exactly like Todd HaberKorn, said cutting Kouen off as the meeting room doors thrusted open.

To be lazytinuted.....
(Try and figure dat out....I'm super tired........)

I'm actually sorry I haven't  done anything with this book for like four months. I've been doing other things like.....binge watching Naruto, (Shikamaru is my precious.....) reading, school, yelling at Sakura's uselessness, creating my joint business called "RubberCocs Inc", watching naruto, dealing with Yandere boys, not sleeping, drawing my Naruto babies, watching naruto, reading Kakashi X Readers, doing "Research" with Jiriaya, and MOST IMPORTANTLY....Watching Naruto

Yeah I've basically just been watching Naruto......

I don't know when I'll be back up to my usual updating every month or so, but until then I'll type back at ya lattteeerrr!!!!!

After thought: I am going to love how self-aware this book is going to be :))

After-after thought: Has anyone watched/played Doki Doki Literature Club? Oh my gOd, I had spooks all night and I am still feeling paranoid that Monica or Sayori is gonna rekt me

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