Chapter 5: Accusing the Innocent?!?!?!

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"Now I know you all know Y/n here . . . " Kouen said as I wanted to shrink down in my chair from embarrassment but I kept my cool. I could see Judar out of the corner of my eye holding his breath as if something bad was going to happen.

. . .

"I believe she is the one who stole the plans." He said simply and I could feel every fiber of my being go cold. I felt the supprised looks of everyone in the room, except Judar. Judar had stood up, seething with rage for his accusations. He clenched his now shaking knuckles while his head was pointed down for a moment of silence. But soon it shot up and you could see he wore an angry expression.

"Y/N WOULDN'T DO THAT AND ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THAT IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!" He screamed and I couldn't believe he had stood up for me like that. He quickly pulled out his wand and was about to attempt to blast Kouen full of holes. But Hakuryuu had hit him with his spear before he could do anything. Judar was knocked out from the blow and quickly fell to the ground with a 'thud'.

I didn't know what to do at that point, I could rush and attempt to help Judar in someway. Or I could try to defend myself......

Isn't it supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?!?!?!? I thought looking around the room. They all just looked at me skeptically.

"I didn't do anything!!!!!" I tried to yell but it was difficult with the oncoming tears. Kouen seemed unaffected by it all as he wore the same bored expression he did everyday.

"Yeah Kouen, doesn't this seem a bit.....odd? I've never known Y/n to do anything of the sort." Koumei said a bit nervously. I looked at everyone else and they looked like they wanted to speak up.

'Of course they won't speak up, they don't know what "Kouen the tyrant" will do to them. Damn you Kouen . . . " I thought as Kouen answered.

"She is the only one who has access to my office other than myself and Kenya." He said pointing to the man who previously had stood up to ask a question to Hakuryuu and stuttered through it all.

"Well why don't you think it could possibly be him?!?!?!?!" I asked as loudly as possible and he grunted as if telling me to back off.

"Because I have known him for longer then you could even dream pest." He seemed to spit that last word as he took a long breath and his eyes showed with more strict authority then I've ever seen in a human. Maybe he wasn't human, he must be some kind of demon from hell........

"Now, Kouhai and Koumei, escort these two to the dungeons. We don't want his temper raging at us again when he wakes up." He said, looking disgusted at Judar and I. The boys were hesitant, but when they saw the fire in Kouen's eyes, they snapped to attention. They quickly stood from their chairs and grabbed ahold of us. Kouhai taking me and Koumei taking the heavier, knocked out Judar.

My head was spinning with so many things. The familiarity of it all was scary, I shivered at the thought of what happened last time I was dragged to a place like this. While we were getting taken to the cells, I could make out the sound of women gasping, maids most likely. I felt like he was gripping my wrist for hours but once we were down the stairs to what most people would call a "basement", Kouhai let go.

I tried to stand but I lost my balance and fell on the concrete, bruising mostly my head and left leg. After witnessing that, Kouhai looked at Koumei as if asking should he let me go. Koumei shook his head and Kouhai helped me up off the floor with no words. He held onto me tightly as we continued on, and I could feel him shaking.

Soon we arrived at an unoccupied cell and they quickly put us in it. They locked the door and were about to leave but I stopped them.

"W-whats g-goin-ng t-to hap-ppen..." I asked sniffling so much that I didn't think they understood me. At first I thought I wouldn't get an answer, but after a while Koumei turned around.

"I'm......not sure Y/n, we both know you didn't do it." Koumei said quietly, and I looked into his eyes for the first time since we left the meeting room. His eyes were watering, I looked towards Kouhai and his eyes were already pouring out tears. Guess he wasn't the tough teen he played to be.

"T-try t-to f-f-fix th-his g-guys." I sobbed and they both nodded knowing their voice would give out on them otherwise. They soon walked away, leaving me alone with the shifting Judar. I sniffled slightly as I checked on him. I looked to where Hakuryuu had hit him and saw that it wasn't as bad as it might've seemed from the way he hit Judar. It made me happy that he didnt hurt him to bad and I made a mental note to thank Hakuryuu if we ever got out of here.

Within a few moments, Judar had begun to stir more and had leaned up clutching his neck at the point of the bruise.

"Ahh, what happened. Wait hold up, where are I??? Y/n????" He said quietly as he tried to figure things out.

"After your little "episode" with Kouen, Hakuryuu knocked you out. Then Kouen ordered Koumei and Kouhai to take us to the dungeon. That's all really...." I said quietly and his eyes seemed to flash with remembrance. Soon he began to get angry again and I was getting scared his anger was going to go out of control and he was going to hurt me, or worse, himself.

I didn't know what to do, so I threw myself at him with a hug. He tensed and I felt him relax a little as he hugged back. His breathing got slower and I let go enough to see his face. I put my hand on his cheek and looked at him in his piercing red eyes.

"A-are you okay?" I asked quietly as my words slightly echoed throughout the cell.


Believe It or not I wrote all of this in like an hour, it's so weird especially since I haven't updated in like 4 months.


Just curious if you want me to try and aCtUaLlY uphold the "X Reader" side of this book. Heheh I have some ideas

Part of this is based of something that happened around Friday {2/9/18} for future viewers.

Like this guy I'm dating got super pissed at this guy that made me cry and I had to sit on the floor with him and calm him down. This just reminded me of that I dunno why.

So, how has everyone been lately. If anything certain happened and you have been wanting to tell someone, do ya wanna talk about it?

Well I love you guys, and here's a 1200 word chapter (not counting the other one I wrote today, the 300 one).

So I guueeeesssss, I'll type back at ya lateeerrr!!!!!

P.s. I was very hesitant about publishing chapter 4 & 5 because I thought there was something wrong with them I dunno :/

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