Chapter 24

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Normani hears a knock on her door. She groans and stumbles towards the door.

" Hey princess"

" What are you doing....

Bonner pushes her into the room closing the door. She was a bit high, since most of the drug was still in her system.

" I see you are still using" He smirks and pins her on the bed.

" I hate you. You are the reason my life is like this".

" If you let me back into your life. I will take good care of you. I will hold you down girl". He begins to pulls her shorts off.

" Stop it Bonner" She slaps him.

" You just made a fucking mistake"

" I'm sorry please don't hurt me. I will do whatever you want me to".

He pushes her into the wall and punches her straight into her face.

" You thought I was just gonna let it slide. Huh, if you would just fucking comply and let me take care of you. Now of this would happen. You are fucking stubborn. Now take your clothes off so I can fuck you"

" Bonner please"

" Why are you pleading. Do you ask that jackass Val to stop" He kisses her roughly and forcibly.

" Bonner stop please" She speaks shakily as tears flows down her face.

" You know you want it bitch" He unbuckles his belt, throws her onto the bed

" You are hurting me" She grimaces in pain

This angers him and he punches her knocking her out, having his way in the end.


The girls enters into the room and finds a passed out Normani lying in bed on her stomach.

" Jesus. She is burning up. Mani, Mani...Lauren shakes she turns her over...she is met with a swollen and bruised face.

" Oh my God" They all screamed in unison.

" Mani who did this to you?"

" I...don't remember" She manages to say before passing out again.

" Call an ambulance. We need to get her to thd hospital asap".

" On it" Dinah says

" Ally get me some wet towels so I can apply them to her skin to minimize the fever she is having".

Ally sprints into the bathroom and returns with four damp towels. They apply them interchangingly.


" What happen?" Val says as he runs up to the girls

" We found hed pretty bound up and passed out in bed".

" Oh no" He tugs at his hair.

" Val I think she was abused both physically and sexually. They also found some cocaine in her system".

He sighs " This is all my fault".

" Don't beat yourelf up. I'm sure Bonner is behind this".

" No Ally, I knew about her using the drug. She has been having these nightmares about Bonner as well. Im thinking that's what caused her to use the drug".

" Val why didnt you tell us or do something about it?" Dinah raises her voice.

" She rejected my help and asked me not to tell you guys"..

" Ms. Hamilton is awake and she is asking for you girls and a guy name Val".

" Thats him" Lauren gestures.

" Okay go on in"

" Hey babe" Dinah kisses her forehead.

" What happened. I don't remember a thing".

" We found you passed out in your room"

She tries to raise her head and she cries out for pain.

" Where does it hurt the most baby?"

" My head Val. It's killing me. What the fuck happen to me?"

" I will go call the nurse so they can give you something for the pain" Ally says.

" I'm sorry guys"

" It's okay" He kisses her forehead.

" Mani you need to get help. Please let us help you" Dinah says.

" Okay, fine. I will".

" I'm proud of you". He pecks her lips.

The nurse enters and administers her medication via the IV line.

" Val can I talk to you alone?" Lauren says

" Sure. I will be right back" He kisses her hand.

They head outside.

" Do you think the attacks that were carried out on you and Mani are related?"

" Maybe. The authorities took a statement from me while I was hospitalised, but they haven't found any leads".

" My gut is telling me that Bonner is the one that did this to her. We should check the security footage when we get back there".

" Yeah. That's a good idea. Hey I'm sorry I hid her addiction from you guys".

" It's okay. She was scared but we are gonna be here for you both every step of the way".

" Thank you".

Is Normani Kordei hospitalised?

The pop singer was seen being rushed to the hospital.

Causes are unknown.

It was about 2 weeks ago, an attack was carried out on her boyfriend.

We are yet to find out the reasons behind her hospitalisation.

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