Chapter 1

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Reader's POV

"C'mon (Y/N), are you coming!" One of my friends shouts.

Its currently winter break and a couple of friends and I are meeting up. Everyone here is with their assigned partner, apart from me.
I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I'm 16 years old and a second year at Akebono High School. I'm one of a few people who still haven't gotten their notices yet in my year.
Its rare for me to see my friends now a days as they're always busy, so I should be glad that we all can hang out for a while today...
But it really doesn't feel right.
Everyone is holding their partner's hand, laughing together, smiling, and I'm just an outsider.
Though I shouldn't complain really, I am happy for them all.

I take my phone out to check the time, 19:37, 21st of December. Its getting quite late, and my favourite anime streams at 20:00.

"Um, guys, I'm gonna head back home, its been really fun today!"

"Whaaat? Already (Y/N)?"
"Its not even that late yet!"
"Yeah, please stay!" My friends reply.

"Sorry everyone, but thanks for today!"

After saying our goodbyes, I start walking in the direction of my house.
Phew, I finally don't stand out.

I plug in my headphones and start listening to one of my favourite songs, then tighten my mint scarf around my neck, making this cold winter bearable.

I check the time again, 19:50, I have 10 minutes till the anime streams, I need hurry!
I start running, trying to not bump into anyone.
But before I know it, I crash into someone and we both fall on the ground.

Well fuck.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Are you okay?" I exclaim after getting up and holding out my hand to the boy.

I take a look at him, dark purple hair and dark purple eyes ... and it looked as if he was crying previously?
The boy takes my hand and replies, "Yeah, I'm fine..I wasn't looking where I was going either," trying to hide his face.
"Ah okay, well, bye!" I say before running off.
For some reason it bothered me that the purple haired boy was crying, but I shouldn't get in other people's business.
He looked ... really broken though...

Nevertheless, I continue to rush back home. But when I got home I got a really unexpected surprise.

A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.
I'll try to update around once a week as school starts for me soon and write author notes as
rarely as possible.

This book will be written mostly in the reader's POV and sometimes Nisaka's. It may also go back and forward in the timeline, but it wont be too confusing.

Dya ne~

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