Chapter 12

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A/N: I'm sorry for not updating in so long, I couldn't figure out how to write a part in this chapter.
Slight OOC towards the end of the chapter, sorry.
Also thank you for 1k views!

Nisaka's POV

I freeze.
Neji walks over to where I'm sitting.
"I've been trying to reach you the whole holiday! How come you were ignoring all my texts and calls!?"
He sighs, "Well, at least your okay."
I begin to recover from the shock.
"Ah.. um.. sorry for ignoring you Neji.."
"Its okay, let's talk at lunch?"

Is he not gonna bring up what happened before?
Maybe he'll talk about it at lunch.
The bell rings and the more people start entering the classroom, some girls looking at me gleefully. I sigh, why can't I just be left alone.

The bell finally rings signifying its finally lunch. All these lessons are so boring, maybe I should have skipped school after all..
I get up from my seat and begin to leave the classroom, I sense Neji coming too. We're walking along the hallway to get to the nearest vending machine, silence.. How do we start a conversation?

"So, how were the holidays Nisaka?"
"Oh, they were fun I guess."
Well I'd say they were more than fun but..
"What about yours?"
"It was also fun, especially New Years, it was me, Takasaki-san and Ririna, I wish you came too! I invited you too but you wouldn't contact me in any way. Did I do something wrong?"
" No, no, you did nothing wrong, I was the one who confessed.."
again, silence..
I guess this is where our friendship ends.

"You know Nisaka, I really don't mind."
"I don't mind that you like me, there's really nothing wrong with it."
"W-what? But don't two boys together seem wrong to you?"
"Its not wrong.. just something I never expected. Wait, is that why you were ignoring me the whole holiday?"
"Ehh, you shouldn't have! You know I wouldn't think of you differently!"
"Yeah.. sorry for everything.."
"You have nothing to apologise for! You must have had a hard year keeping in your feelings." Neji smiles.

I guess my thoughts on Neji's reaction were wrong.

After we talked and got milk tea from the vending machine, Takasaki said she needed Neji for something, probably to make out with him. I return to my classroom and sit down again, but before I could do anything else I'm crowded by girls.
Oh boy, this will be a long lunch break.

After lunch and a few more periods, school was finally over. Neji and I began to walk out of class. Before long, we we're chatting away like we used to, as if what happened during Christmas break never occurred. We begin to walk through a peaceful, empty park with beautiful trees all around. It was great until Neji asked the worst question.
"Hey Nisaka, did you get your notice?"

Oh no. There's no way I can tell him right? Crushing on a guy is one thing but being engaged to one, won't he find it really strange?

"Ah.. thats.." I hesitate.
"You did didn't you!"
"I... never said anything like that."
"So you didn't?"
"...I didn't say that either."
"Please tell me Nisakaaa!"
"Because I don't want to."
"Urgh, you're so stubborn."
As I thought another awkward silence was about to happen, Neji began to speak, "...Well, I won't force you to tell me, just please don't be too secretive, we're friends after all right?"
Neji's sweet smile.. he's so cute..
But (Y/N)... he's so patient and understanding too. (Y/N) is just... amazing.
I know I don't have any chance with Neji, its not an option.. But.. maybe just one last time...

I stop walking suddenly.
"Eh? Nisaka, is something wrong?" Neji asked.
"Nothing.. I just wanted to ask...
Can we kiss... just once?"
"I know you're not into guys but that's the only thing I would like as a good-bye."
For a moment I could only hear the cold breeze blowing at the trees.
"Um.. sure."
"Yes, though when you say good-bye I'm not sure what you mean."

Neji slowly moves closer to me until we are only a few centimetres apart. We gaze into each other's eyes, not exactly knowing what to do. I leaned in and tilted my head as our lips connected.
After all these months, Neji and I finally kissed. I know that I shouldn't be doing this, its wrong. This is the result of my unrequited love that I selfishly didn't let go of ages ago even though I should have.
My lips moved a little impatiently against Neji's slightly chapped, before he soon kissed back.
There was no one to stop us now as we stand alone in the park. No Takasaki, no Sanada, no one.
We kissed gently, moving our lips together without a care in what the world would think.    But before I know it, I feel a wet substance coming down my cheek. I open my eyes to see brown eyes looking at me with worry and sadness.

I pull away to catch my breath and attempt to wipe away my tears.
"Neji I...I'm sorry."
"E-Eh? Why are you apologising there's nothing wro-"
"No, everything's wrong. All my love for you is wrong. I shouldn't have done this to you," I say, more tears spilling out. "I-I so sorry."
I try turning around to leave when I suddenly get pulled into a hugged.
"Nisaka, I already told you there's nothing wrong with your love for me, I really don't mind. There's nothing wrong or gross about it."
"No buts, its fine."
We stay like that for a moment until I move away and begin to walk in the opposite direction from where Neji was standing.
"Nisaka? Where are you going?!"
I stop and turn around for the last time and say,
"Neji... when I asked for a kiss as a good-bye,

I meant good-bye to my feelings for you."

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