Chapter 14

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A/N: Wow, 3 months since I last updated, sorry guys. I'll try to be more active^^

Reader's POV

"Nisaka!" I shout as I see the purple haired boy. He turns around and smiles as he saw who was calling his name.
"Yo." He says walking towards me. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."
"I've been good, not much has happened in the past week."
"Yeah, just boring lessons right?"
"I guess so haha."
We begin to talk about random things while walking down a street filled with all sorts of different shops and restaurants.

"Hey Nisaka."
"I've was wondering how your uniform would look like, I never thought it would look so nice on you."
"H-huh? But it's just a normal uniform, everyone wears the same thing."
"But it only looks because it's you wearing it~"
The purple haired boy beside me blushed. "Why do you keep flirting with me!"
"You're my boyfriend now aren't you? It's nice seeing you freeze up and go red."
Nisaka turned his face away, probably because he didn't want to me to see his face go even more red. I smile, satisfied by his reaction, what a lil angel.
"Anyways, I'm hungry. There's a crepe stand over there, do you wanna go get some?"
"Uh, sure." Nisaka said, going back to normal.

We both got a crepe each, I got (flavour) and Nisaka got chocolate. We then were walking again and soon were at a park, but when we entered Nisaka looked a bit panicked.
"Nisaka? Are you okay?"
"Ah um... yeah. This place just brings up... bad memories.."
"Does it? Sorry, we can go a different way."
"No.. it's fine, lets keep going." The first-year smiled softly.

We sat down at a bench and ate our crepes in silence before I brought up another topic.
"Nisaka, what do you think of anime?"
"Anime huh? It's alright, I don't watch it unless I see one that looks really interesting."
"Mhm, that makes sense."
"What about you (Y/N)?"
"Well, I'm a hardcore otaku actually haha."
"Yeah, I usually stay up all night."
"Wait seriously?! How do you not fall asleep?"
"Hmm, you get used to it eventually and just sleep during school."
"Don't you get caught?"
"I sit right at the back of the classroom."
"Lucky, if I was to try sleep I'd definitely get caught."
We both laughed and carried on eating. I soon noticed that there was some chocolate sauce on Nisaka's cheek. There
wasn't anyone near us in the park. Maybe I could try something a bit more risqué..
"(Y/N)? Is something wro-"
Before Nisaka could finish his sentence, I moved closer to him, grasped his top and licked the chocolate off his cheek. Everything went silent for a minute.

"E-eh? (Y-Y/N), why did you just do that?" The flustered boy asked.
"S-sorry, there was some chocolate sauce on your cheek. I couldn't resist..."
Both of our faces turned bright red as we noticed how close we were to each other.
Aaaaah I messed up, I took it too far!
I let go of Nisaka's shirt and was about to move away until Nisaka caught my hand.
"To be honest, I don't mind something like that." He paused. "I liked it." The red faced boy smiled.
We stared at each other like that for a while before eventually moving away and starting to talk normally again.

About an hour later, it was becoming dark.
"Ah, it's getting really late now." I say.
"I guess we should both get going now, my parents are gonna complain about me coming home so late."
"Wait, maybe you could stay the night at my house? It's close by and it's Friday after all."
"Really? But I didn't bring any spare clothes or-"
"You can borrow mine."
We both blush at that.
"N-not meaning that in any weird way!" Nisaka exclaims.
"Y-yeah I know!"
Quick (Y/N), change the subject!
"Um, I'll call my parents to let them know that i'm staying with you then."
"Ah, alright."

After calling my parents to tell them the situation, we began making our way to Nisaka's house. Spending the night with Nisaka... this is going to be interesting.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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