Chapter 10

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I suddenly hear the doorbell go off and I run up to the front door. I take a deep breath before opening the it.
When I open the door I see Nisaka outside with probably many layers of clothing, well it is freezing after all. He also held a duffel bag considering he is staying the night. His purple hair shining and his purple eyes looking at me. He looks so cute...
Before I realise it, we're both staring at each other in awe.
"Oh, um, hi! Sorry for staring, its nice to see you again!" I say, breaking the silence.
"Oh, yeah, nice to see you again too."
"Please, come in, you must be cold right?"
"Well of course, haven't you checked the temperature?"
"Right, right, sorry." I say and we both share a laugh.
I lead Nisaka inside the house, nervous. We soon reach the over-decorated-by-me living room.
"Woah.." I hear the purple haired boy mutter looking around at the room.
"I over did it with the decorations didn't I."
"Oh, no it looks great, looks like you put in loads of effort." He replies, sitting on the sofa.
"Well, that's no lie." I reply chuckling sitting next to him.
A awkward silence suddenly spreads before I say something again.
"Um, welcome to my house, sorry for asking you to spend New Years with me so suddenly, you must have already had plans."
"No it's fine, I wanted to see you again anyway. someone else asked me if I wanted to come with them but...there has been a little...problem.." Nisaka began, soon ending in a whisper.
"Oh.. sorry, I hope whatever's wrong gets fixed."
"Thanks." He said, smiling.

"So, how have the holidays been for you so far?" I ask.
"They've been alright, though I think they became better after meeting you."
"Haha, same here...
Though, are you really not bothered about us being engaged?"

A change in the mood occured.

"No, I'm really not bothered by it. I mean.." Nisaka takes a small breath.
"I had planned to reject the engagement and live alone as I didn't want a wife or have my future planned out for me... But then it said you're a male on the notice so of course I was curious and then... I met you (Y/N) and we started talking and... I didn't want to... stop talking to you.."
Nisaka had his head lowered but I could clearly see the blush through his purple bangs.
"I understand what you mean." I take his hands and he jumps slightly.
"I don't want to stop talking to you too." I say, smiling shyly.
My mint scarf covers my blush but I'm sure Nisaka could tell.
"And honestly I don't think your original choice would have been wrong... I would have done something similar probably."
"But isn't it selfish to think that way?"
"It is but if you don't want a to have a wife then you don't need to have a wife." I suddenly feel myself smirking, "But you can be my wife Yuusuke-chan~".
Just as I thought he flushes red again, "H-huh? Don't call me that."
"Why, Yuusuke-chan?~"
"Because its e-embarrassing."
I move over and whisper in his ear, "You won't have time to feel embarrassed when we're in my bed Nisaka."
I think I broke him, guess I went too far..

After that situation, we spent the evening talking and eating soba noodles other stuff like that.
Before we knew it, it was almost midnight. Drinks in hand, we went up to the roof to see the fireworks. From there we could hear people already counting down. As we sit on the roof, the final countdown began.
Our fingers touch
We both jump at the connection
We reach out again
Our fingers slowly intertwine
We hold hands
We look at each other
Our red-tinted, smiling faces
Mint and Lilac...
What great luck that we got paired up
By those red strings of fate

"Happy New Year,


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