Chapter#1 Old Nightmare New Prison

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I am runing trought the dark and wet hall. The smel of death everywhere strong enough to tast it.
All I can hear are my Heath Beat and pain filled screams wich are coming out of the other cells. I need to run I can't stand this anymore.

,,Oh~ Jyugo~ Don't ya wanna stay and Play with me~?"

I heard him sing. He is close. I am runing as fast as possible but with no use. The blond male comes closer and closer. I ran and ran till I dumped into a Wall.

,,Ow~ Poor little Jyugo~ are ya hurt? Don't worry if Not. I'll make sure that ya get hurt"

The last thing I see are snake like green eyes. And then went everything black.

,,Oi! Wake up! We are here!"

I heard the guard say. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to remember where I am.


,,Yes! Here! Nenba prison ya remember?!"

The guard glared at me. Then I remembered that I was on a ship to Nanba. I got captured in my escape. And this is going to be my new prison.

,,Yeah..... No need to be like you Just got your period"

,,Shut up!"

The guard yelled at me and draged me out. We stud infront of an ugly gray building with an 13 on it. Infront of it stud a man in uniform.

,,Are you the supervisor"

My guard asked the man.

,,Yes, I am Hajime sugoroku supervisor of building 13."

,,Yeah! Yeah! What ever this is your new inmate."

The guard said bevor leaving me with my new Supervisor.
I looked up at the man into his grimson eyes.

,,So you are Jyugo?"


,,You new inmate Number is 15 and you will be in cell 13. "

My supervisor told me bevor Walking me inside of the building.

Kindan no Koibito [Hajime x Jyugo] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now