Chapter 17. Memories

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Diamond P. O. V

Memories.  Memories.  Memories are all I have left.  My memories are now what I have to rely on to remember my brother.  It's hard.  My brother is officially gone. 

"Diamond? "I looked up at my mom.  Somehow I've found myself in here almost everyday.  Sitting on the floor by his bed everyday.  I found myself always with his favorite basketball, bouncing it or just holding it. 

"Would you like to eat? "She said.  I shook my head no.  If I talked, I would cry more.

"Baby you haven't eaten in two days." Two days.  It's been two whole days since he died .

"Ma I'm not hungry. "I said.  My voice cracked.  Tears welled in my eyes.  He was really gone.

My ma walked over to me. She sat down next to me, I leaned my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around me, as we both broke down.

"Mommy, I miss him so much." I said through tears.

"I do to. Baby. I do to." She said. She kissed my forehead and got up.

"I have to go. Me and Ebony are working out details for David's funereal. "She pulled herself up,  and kissed my forehead and walked out.

I miss him.  He could brighten a room.  His presence was all it took for everyone in the room to have a good time.

"Nuz,  I'm not sure if you can hear me.  If you can I miss you.  I-I need you.  I wa-want you back here. Your still my little brother.  God please, why did he have to go?  Why so soon? Lord I-I mi-miss my baby brother. I need him to help me recover.  I need him to help me.  I need him to make sure he is alright. I just want to hug him.  I just want him back.  I want him to annoy me, or hug me and tell me things will get better. 

I want him here.  I want us to have more sleep overs.  I want us to play basketball together.  I want Nuz to get married and have my nieces and nephews. I want him to graudiate high school and college. I want him to make it to the NBA. I want my over protective little brother back.  I want to see him play video games with Julio, and Pj.  I want to give him a hug and a kiss one more time. "

One more time please.  Please I just want him back.  Let him live.  Let him make it to his 18th birthday. 

"Diamond! Julio's here. "I heard my mom yell.  I walked downstairs and seen the gang.

I ran into their arms. 

"Oh, Dee.  I'm so sorry. "Jae said.  I nodded.  They said their sorries for my lost. Nov came over and hugged me tightly. 

"You okay baby girl? "He whispered.  I shook my head yes.

"Can we focus on something else please? "I asked looking at everyone.

"Yeah, y'all try and get her to eat something. "My mom said looking at me. 

"You haven't been eating? "Nov asked. 

"I haven't had a appetite. " I said.

"Well you better get one, cause we brought you some McDonald's and a pineapple fanta. "Key said. They pulled out some McDonald's bag and a two liter pineapple fanta.

I laughed and hugged them.

"Thanks y'all.  I love y'all so much. "I said.  "C'mon let's go in the living room. "I said.

We went to the living room and sprawled out everywhere and started eating.

"Y'all wanna watch Spongebob? "I asked.  The boys said no.  The girls said yes.

"Girls vote win. "I said.

"Wait nugget. There are more boys. "

"Dont care meatball. "I said. I flipped the channel to Spobgebob. I rested my head on Nova's shoulder.

The last time I watched Spongebob was with Nuz before he died . Tears filled my eyes, as I was reminded of the lost of my brother.

Make the pain go away Dee. Kill yourself so you can be with your brother and you wont have to hurt anymore.

I shook that thought away. Nope. Nuz wouldnt like that. He wouldnt want me to do that.

"Baby girl? You wanna talk?" Nov asked.  I noticed the tears falling down my eyes. 

"I'm fine.  Thanks Nov. "I said.  He put his arm around my waist and pulled me in his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

"Nope. " He said.  He pulled me back and kissed me longer.  Would I ever get used to him kissing me like that?  Cause he was a damn good kisser.

I laid my head on his chest.


"Nuz! Imma murder you!" I yelled, threatening my little brother. He decided it would be nice to deflate my favroit basketball.

I ran downstairs and tackled him.
He laughed at me.

"Yo,im sorry." He said. He noticed my face and got scared.

I grabbed his arm and took his wrist into my hand.  I twisted his wrist and heard his screech of pain. Oops!

"Nuz! Ohmygod are you okay?" I asked. I panicked . I was in so much trouble.

"Heck No!" He said. He held his wrist. I ran to go get ice. I came back and  put it on him.

"Get mom!" He said. I shook my head no,but ran to go wake her up.

"Mom! Nuz broke his wrist! Well i broke it,on accident,  but hurry! " I yelled.  She got up and ran to the living room.

She took him to the car and I got in the front.  She drove to the hospital and fussed at me while she was at it.

Damn.  I was in so much trouble.

"I'm so sorry Nuz.  I was just angry.  Do you forgive me? "I mumbled. 

"Course Dee.  Your my sister.  Why wouldn't I? "He said. 

We went to the emergency and they put a cast on him.  I signed my signature on it.

I was on punishment when I got home.  Plus I got my ass whooped.  After my butt was sore.  Me and Nuz stayed up all night and talked.  We watched movies and raided the refrigerator.  All as usual.

"I'm sorry again bro. " I said apologizing once again.  This was like the hundredth time, but I felt guilty.

"Dee stop apologizing.  It's good. " He told me.  I sat back and laid across from him.  We ended up going to sleep at like eight in the morning.

"Morning Dee. "Nuz said as I walked in the kitchen.

My mom was making breakfast rice, and Bacon.

"Morning Nuz.  Love you! "I said

            "Love you too sis. "

              *end of flashback*

I can't believe I actually broke his wrist.  Even though I went through bad that day.  We spent the best time together. 

I miss him so much.  I really want my little brother back.

I was snapped out of my thoughts,  when my mom rushed in.

                    "Nuz is alive! "

Hey y'all!!! Wassup!

Y'all still hate me?

Well y'all might not now, but you will later 🙃🙃.

Anyways.  Love y'all.  Peace.

                          ~Kate  💙💙

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