Chapter 18.Moment

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Diamond P. O. V

Moment.  You can live in the moment.  Moments may be happy or sad. Like when I thought my brother was dead I was sad. I was in a moment.

Know Im happy. Why? Well my brother is alive. He is alive. Still breathing. Heart still beating.

I walked into the hospital, where I left crying two days ago. 

I wanted to see my brother now.


"What? "I asked.  My mother looked at me, tears falling but a smile on her face.

"David is alive! He is at the hospital right now. The doctor didn't explain that much over the phone,  but they made a mistake.  We need to go now!" She explained.

I rushed up from Nov's lap and grabbed my shoes.  The gang decided that they would come back tomorrow.

I ran outside, with my siblings and my mom.  I was shook as freak! My brother was still here on this earth.

I seen Nov walk to the car.  "Nov wait!" I went over to him.

"Thank you ." I said.  He looked confused and shook his head.  "I'll explain later I gotta blast. "I said.  I pecked his lips and went and got in the car.

"Care to explain? "E asked laughing.

"Hmm? "

"Do you and Julio date? "E asked. 

" I dont know.  "I said.  I honestly didn't know where we stood.

"Me and him gotta talk soon. "Pj said.

               *end of flashback*

We made our way upstairs to the room the doctor would meet us in.

When we got there the doctor was waiting.

"Hello everyone.  Your probably wondering how David is alive. "He said.  No duh Sherlock, you said he was dead.

We nodded yes and he continued.  "So Mr. Barmer's injury was deadly.  Normally people didn't survive.  He looked well enough to leave two days ago, when one of his blood vessels popped because of pressure on his lower stomach. 

When this happened.  He had a 1% chance of making it, because this particularly vessel was important.  So his monitor a stopped and the nurses wheeled him away.  I wanted to stich up his body,  before letting him go to the morgue. I found his heart started beating again and he started to breath regularly. 

He acted as if he hadnt even been shot.  So we kept him for the past couple of days to run some tests.  He looks absolutely perfect.  He is also ready to go home today. " The doctor finished off.

"Why the hell are you just know telling us if you've known for days? " My mom questioned.  I nodded in agreement.  We were planning a whole damn funeral.

"It's nothing I've ever witnessed before in my life.  I wasn't sure if he was going to be okay and I didn't want you to get your hopes up if he didn't make it.  " He said.  My mom still looked pissed,but didnt question further.

"Umm, excuse me Dr.White, I would like to talk to you about one of my other children . Alone please." She said. I know the hell she isnt .

They walked out of the room,into the hall.

"Who mama talking bout?" E asked. Pj shrugged his shoulders.

"Not sure." He said. I looked down. Me . This was gonna be about me.

"I think its about me." I said quietly. They looked at me.

"Whats wrong?" Pj asked. Well isnt this about a bitc-

"We will have you guys meet David downstairs." Said the doctor as him and my mother walked in. She looked towards me and slightly smiled.

The doctor left to go get Nuz ready to go.

"Ma what's wrong with Dee? "E asked.  I didn't wanna hear this.  How I was a disappointment to my family. Not what I wanted to talk about right now.

I stood up and started walking towards the entrance of the room.

"Diamond, where you going? "Ma asked.  I turned around.

"If your going to tell them,  I don't wanna be here.  I'll just wait downstairs for Nuz. "I said.  I turned back to leave out.

"Why baby? No ones gonna judge.  We are your family. "Ma said. 

"Is she pregnant? "Pj asked. 

"Oh lord.  Of course I'm not! "I said turning back . Why in the world would I be pregnant?

"Okay good. "Pj said. 

"Dee has been going through something and it's serious.  "Ma started off.  They started to look worried.  Oh shit-

"Something like what? "E questioned.  I looked down tears filling my eyes.  Oh no.

"I self harmed. "I whispered.

"You what? Sis I couldn't hear you. "Pj said.

"I cut myself. I have sucidial thoughts.  Sometimes I don't wanna live anymore.  "I said.  Their faces dropped and tears filled E's face. 

I felt a hug from behind me.  I turned around and Nuz clung to me. My tears fell down and I hugged him tightly.

"Why Diamond? "Nuz asked.  I shook my head.

"Cause, all those people at school tease me.  My big lips, or how I cut my hair, or cause I'm a tomboy. "I said,  crying into his shirt.

He clung to me harder.  I felt two more people hug me. 

"Diamond I need you.  I don't want you to leave.  How are you gonna become a rapper? "Nuz said.  Wait how does he know about me rapping-

"I heard you before.  Your amazing sis.  I'm surprised your not signed yet.  I need you here with me. I'll compliment you everyday if I need to sis.  Don't ever think about leaving me please. "Nuz said.  I looked up at his tall self and chuckled.

"I'm okay.  "I said.  I turned to E and Pj.  I smiled.  "I'm okay.  And I'm not faking this time. "I said.  Ma came over a hugged me tightly. 

"Oh my baby. "She said.

"I love yall so much.  Forever and always. "I said. 

No matter what.  I'll love y'all forever and always.  Even if it doesn't seem like it,  I'll always love you guys.  Anytime you need me, ill be there.

I looked towards my family.  Forever and Always.  I smiled and kissed my mom's cheek.

On this day, I Diamond Alexis Bamer vow to help anyone who is like me.  Who self harmed and is depressed.  I'll help whoever I can. 

                        I promise.

Hey y'all. 
Y'all like me now?
Anyways sorry it took so long.  I started school on Tuesday.  Im in the eight grade!!! Lmao.  Updates might be scattered but y'all will get some.  Maybe every Friday and I make the chapters way longer?
Love y'all. Y'all amazing.  Peace.

                              ~Kate 💙💙

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