Chapter 1

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Kayla's P.O.V


I hate it.

I mean, who doesn't except for the nerds? People in my school, Willow High, think that my group of friends and I are nerds or just pretty studious; I think we're anything but.

My group consists of Melody (my best friend), Rhea, Stacy, Yasmin, Hailey, Leah and then there's me, Kayla.

I've known Melody since Year 7, which is the start of high school for us UK kids. I was in front of her in the form register and behind her was Yasmin, with Rhea towards the end of the register. The first person I spoke to on my first day of school was Melody. We were in the dining hall and we were told to sit in our new register order. I looked at her and thought, "Wow, she's really pretty,". She had long wavy dark brown hair down to her hips, just like me, with brown eyes. My favourite feature of her were her nails. Yes, her nails. You would understand if you saw them. They were not painted yet they looked so pretty and perfect. Whilst hanging out with Melody, I got to know Rhea, Stacy, Hailey, and Leah. They were all from the same primary so they knew each other and were friends already. Melody welcomed me and Yasmin in and allowed us to bond with them. That's what I liked about Melody. She's a really friendly girl, which allowed us to bond quickly. After a few years of being friends with her, I can now say that she's a really bossy and fussy person like I cannot even deal with her at times. And feisty. She loves fighting and proving people wrong. I just give up and she knows I hate it so she does it more. I mean just ugh. I still love her though.

Next up we have Yasmin. I've known her since Year 5, which is our penultimate year of primary school. She wasn't in my class, but we had mutual friends so we exchanged a few words from time to time but nothing too close. Just an acquaintance. In Year 7, when I saw that she was in my class I was really relieved since it was at least someone who I knew. Soon we became friends. She's a really sweet yet reserved and shy girl, similar to most of my friends but I'd say that she's the quietest. Like Melody and me, she also has long black hair, which is usually done up in two braids. Except her hair is super thick. She also has big brown eyes and wears glasses like me.

Then there was Rhea. As I mentioned earlier, I knew her thanks to Melody. She's one of my closest friends in high school. She has short black hair halfway from her shoulders and chest. She had a cute little side swept fringe in Year 7 and usually left her hair out. Like Melody, she liked painting her nails and was pretty decent at it too. She has big brown eyes and also wears glasses. She rarely wears them though since her eyesight isn't nearly just as bad as Yasmin and I's. She is a good mix of quiet and loud whereas the most of us are usually quiet with other people around but loud when it is just us friends. She's one of the people who people confuse me with the most. Somehow, people say that we both look really alike and they get us mixed up so I just call her my twin and vice versa. Much love for her <3

Hailey, Leah, and Stacy were 3 other friends that I met once again thanks to Melody. Hailey and I weren't initially that close since she was in the other half of the year in Year 7 and 8 plus I didn't know her that well. However, when it came to Year 9 and the halves were changed, I got put in her half so we shared more classes together and became closer. She has the longest hair out of all of us. Her hair is a medium thickness and is different shades of brown depending on the light shone on it.

Leah is the most confident girl in our group of friends and is the one who everyone wants to be friends with and is considered as "cool". She has jet-black hair with dark brown eyes and thick eyebrows. She is passionate about makeup and gets a lot of guy attention. Then there's Stacy. She's also a sweet girl who I thought was quiet at first but turns out she was also a secret badass. I should seriously stop trying to guess people and their personalities. I clearly suck. She's got medium/thin hair that is a few inches below her chest. Her hair is also black with brown eyes.

Finally, there's me. I have long black hair till my hips which is usually naturally almost straight with very loose waves in random strands. I also wear glasses like a lot of my friends do. Unlike others, I actually like wearing my glasses because they cover up the vitiligo, which I have near my eyes. (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Vitiligo is a skin condition where the skin loses its pigment and you develop white patches on your skin). I also have vitiligo on my both my elbows and knees and a little below my left knee too. This makes me feel very insecure about myself so I usually avoid showing my knees and my elbows. My friends describe me as cute with my little height (not fair since they are short too so...).  They say that my "silent laugh" is contagious and I can only imagine how stupid I would look whilst laughing that it would make others laugh too. If I were laughing really hard at something I would throw my head back and forth and legit be dying whilst slamming the table in front of me. I was an innocent girl back in Year 7 and each year being with my friends has corrupted my mind little by little. I'd say that I'm pretty shy and reserved and once you get to know me I don't stop talking. I love reading and dancing and am fully passionate for it.

Another thing I'm passionate for is my friends. I love them to death. Literally. I love hanging out with my friends all day everyday not that I can though.

I don't have your typical open-minded parents, oh hell no. My parents are pretty overprotective of anything that I do and they are narrow-minded but they think otherwise. We have our usual fights but usually, we get over it pretty quickly and everything's back to rainbows and sunshine. Except I didn't know that this would change soon.


Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I really hope that you liked the first chapter of this story. This is my first ever written piece of work so I'm very nervous about how everyone feels about it. Give me feedback about it, good or bad. It'll help me make the story better. If you ever find mistakes then do let me know because I'm a low-key grammar freak so I hate typos and what not so I can understand others would too. 

On every chapter I'll have a question for my readers, which they can answer and this way I can learn more about my readers.

So the first question of this story is...(cue the drumroll) where are all my readers from?

Thank you so much for taking time to even read it this far. It would mean a lot to me if you could vote and comment.

Love each and every one of you,

K xxx

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