Chapter 2

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The bell rang signaling the end of break time.

"Bye Kayla see ya at lunch," Rhea said.

"Oh shit did I forget to tell you? I have to go see Ms. Shaw for Science cus I wasn't here the Thursday's lesson so I missed polymerisation. So she told me on Friday to stay back today at lunch so she can help me cover that for my homework," I replied to Rhea whilst hurrying to our classes.

"Alright then I'll see you later I'm getting late byee!" She shouted whilst running to her Geography lesson, whilst I went into my Graphics lesson laughing.


Lunch came around quicker than I thought so I went towards the Science block. Just whilst I was walking, I realised that I didn't have a note so I quickly forged one and then put my planner back in my bag and carried on walking. Don't judge me, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

As expected, I wasn't allowed to enter the Science block without showing my note to Ms. Wilson standing there so I showed her the note and she let me go inside.

I knocked on the door and then went inside the Science office. It stank of coffee really badly.

Normally, people would like the smell of coffee but I, I hate the smell of coffee, the taste of it, the feel of it everything and anything coffee and I hate it already. The smell of it was enough to make my head feel heavy and I could feel a headache growing at the sides of my head.

Ms. Shaw saw me and gestured for me to take a seat on one of the tables whilst putting something in photocopier.

I sat down and got my Science book, planner and pen out so I could make notes. Ms. Shaw finished her photocopying and came back and sat down next to me.

"Kayla, before we start I have something to tell you. You're moving sets. You'll be going to Set 2 to Mr. Braddox's class. So today when it's period 5 you'll be going to his class."

I couldn't believe this. I finally got to sit next to my crush, Caleb, only just recently and I'm told to move classes? You must be fucking kidding me.

"Why am I moving sets though? It's more than halfway through the year. Can't I just stay with this set?" I asked her.

"I know it's a little over halfway through the year but you got an A on the last assessment and that was highest in the class so the Science department thinks it's best for you to move sets. Come on now. No more discussion over this and let's carry on with polymerisation." Ms. Shaw said in a tone, which meant that she was serious.

I couldn't even pay attention to what she was saying. I felt betrayed even though she owed me no loyalties. I could feel my headache getting worse and my eyes prickling. It was getting more and more uncomfortable to stay there. As the time ticked by, I started to feel suffocated as if someone was choking me and pulling me down. I had to get out of here quickly before I have a meltdown in front of my teacher. Or shall I say an ex-teacher now?

"Miss, I haven't had lunch yet so is it fine if I come sometime later? I could also just cover it with Mr. Braddox," I interrupted her explanation.

"Of course Kayla, you can go have lunch and I'll see you later on." Ms. Shaw excused me.

I bolted out of the door before she'd even finished speaking.

I made my way towards the dining hall making sure to avoid contact with anyone else so they couldn't see the state of me. Even the 5 minute walk to the dining hall felt like a 10km hike. To make the matters worse, the weather wasn't shining. The oppressive clouds were hung low in the clouds, threatening rain. The cold air was hitting my face, hitting me like spikes. If you didn't guess by now, I'm not a fan of the cold. I wanted nothing more than to be able to go home right now and cuddle up in the warmth of my bed and bawl my eyes out in peace where I can look ugly without being judged.

After finding my friends at the back of the hall, I went towards them and sat down.

"Hey Kayla," they all greeted me. Just as they said that they realised that I wasn't smiling like I usually am nor have I started complaining about how tired I was. They figured something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Kayla? Why do you look like something crawled up your ass?" Melody questioned.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and I broke down in front of them. Fortunately, other students couldn't see me since I was sitting right at the back of the hall otherwise I would've been so embarrassed. Crying in front of others makes me feel vulnerable, but then again that's exactly what I felt like. I know this all seems exaggerated but for a 15 year old, this is the biggest thing that could happen.

Whilst crying I told them about how I got told to move classes and I was upset because of that but I didn't tell them about Caleb.

You all would think what's the big deal in moving classes? You can still see him and what not. But, that's where you go wrong. I can't see him because Science was the only class that we both shared. He was in the other half of the year so I couldn't share any other classes with him. Not being with him anymore wasn't the only thing that'd upset me. It was also the fact that I genuinely liked my class. I was comfortable with the teacher and my class was supporting, funny and just seemed appropriate for me. I also shared this class with Yasmin.

Moving to Set 2 would mean leaving Yasmin, Caleb and the whole class behind. However, it would also mean that I'd be able to share Science with Melody, Rhea, Stacy, and Leah. Apparently, Mr. Braddox is a really nice teacher but at this moment I couldn't care less about how nice of a guy he is.

"Don't worry gurl, we're here for you and trust me you'll like our class," Stacy said interrupting my trail of thoughts.

"Yeah, but there's only one way you can like the class. That one is by getting your butt off that chair and getting to Science right now otherwise we'll be late so hurry the fuck up!" Melody ordered. That's the thing with Melody. If she says something in an authoritative tone then everyone listens to her. But, if I say anything in an authoritative tone then everyone just blanks me. I need new friends at this rate.

Whilst walking to my new class I realised that my book was still in my old class. So, I told Rhea to tell sir that I'm just going to go get my book.

I went up the stairs to my old class where I would also have to face Caleb. After briefly seeing from the window that everyone was just settling down, I walked into the class before changing my mind. I tried to avoid eye contact with Caleb and just walked up to Ms. Shaw and told her that I needed my book and so I went to my table to go get it.

Before walking up to my seat, I quickly looked at Caleb and regretted it just as quickly. He was giving me his million watt smile. It was one of those big smiles where you can see their teeth and dimples, not the half-hearted ones. I guess no one has told him yet that I'm moving sets. I walked up to my seat, which was next to his, with a fluttering feeling in my heart.

"Where are you going?" Caleb questioned me. From the look on his face, the question seemed genuine. So rather than giving him a sarcastic reply I told him the truth.

"I'm moving sets,"

"Oh wow. Where to?" He asked.

"Mr. Braddox. Anyways I'm getting late so I'll see you later," I glanced at him one last time before turning around and walking to my new set with unshed tears blurring my vision. I'd thought that I would be heartbroken without him since he was the first person I felt this strongly for, and I truly was for a fair bit of time. But little did I know that thought was going to change pretty soon.


Author's Note:

Sorry for taking time to update this story. It takes me time to think of how to write what the characters would be feeling due to this being my first story.

What do you think of Kayla and her friends so far? Do you like her? Is it reasonable for her to be sad over something as little as changing classes?

Thank you for still continuing to read. Don't forget to vote and comment!

K xxx

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