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Bella's eyesight had almost completely deteriorated, but she could still faintly see the beautiful blue above her, slowly inclosing on her. 'Blue is my favorite color,' she decided, 'Leo can have the raging red. I will settle for the calm, quite blue.'

Bella emerged herself completely into the rich color she so often took for granted, and finally felt her body relax.

Bella was no longer gazing at the blue sky above her; instead, she was gazing at a deceptive blue sea in front of her.

Bella took another breath, taking in the salty air around her. She sat down on the sand and waited. She was waiting for her to wake up, and for this beautiful dream to fade. She waited until she woke up, and died. Because whether or not she woke up, one Bella would die either way.

Bella gazed out at the ocean; it wasn't like any ocean in The Other World. In The Other World, the ocean washes up onto the sand, caressing it.

Here, the ocean builds a wall. It curves it waves upwards, protecting itself from the sand. That is how Bella knew that this was all in her head. The day the ocean and the sand collided would be her last day here, in this paradise; If she woke up, she would go back to what she now called 'The Other World.' The world where the ocean continues to crash into the sand, no matter the sand's objections. If she continued on this path, she would venture into another unknown. 'Who knows?' thought Bella, 'There may be another paradise waiting for me.'

Just then, Bella spotted a crab; a red crab. Fire red. Scuttling along the exact point where the ocean and the sand refuse to crash. This crab is Leo.

A seagull swooped down, realizing the crab was in danger. In The Other World, seagulls are mainly white. This seagull however, was yellow. 'That seagull is Noah,' decided Bella with a nod.

'And there I am,' Bella thought, gazing at the blue ocean, glistening under the blue sky. 'That is me.'

A red crab might choose to immerse himself in the deep blue ocean, feeling the soft sand and watching its coral reefs, while the yellow seagull may choose to swim on its surface, feeling the gentle sway of the waves and depending on the ocean to keep it floating. Different versions of the ocean exist in the minds of crabs and seagulls.

Bella watched the crab and the seagull. The seagull had suddenly attacked the crab, and the crab tried to fend it off with its claws. The seagull retaliated harder; with a hit so hard it caused them both to topple onto the shore. The moment they made contact with the sand, the ocean threw itself on top of them- trying to protect them. Because no matter how insignificant the crash seemed, the energy it exerted was enough to make the ocean's high tide and sand collide. 

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