Good Night

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Victoria's POV

I fell asleep in the car on the way to his house. I felt myself being moved, and that's when I woke up. He had picked me up and was carrying me through his house. I looked up at his face, he's just so handsome. I can't fathom how he wants me. I'm boring.

He looked down at me while I admired his perfectly sculpted features. "You're awake and making me carry you?" He asked quietly.

I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and continued throughout the elevator ride. He walked me into a room and set me down on the bed. "Daniel, can I take a shower?" I asked him. I'm really tired, but that's not going to stop me from getting clean.

"Yeah sure. What do you need?"

"Clothes, a washcloth, soap, a towel, and a toothbrush." I named everything, well at least I hope that's everything.

"Sit tight, I'll get you everything." As he walked out the room I hesitated to ask for one thing.

"And coconut oil if you have some." I raised my voice so he could hear me. I mean, coconut oil makes my skin so smooth and soft. Why wouldn't I want to use it?

I started to drift off to sleep, but something touched my lips gently. It frightened me, but when I opened my eyes and saw it was Daniel, I was happy.

"Here's everything, I'll put it in the bathroom." He said. When he was done, he walked out of the bathroom and towards me. "Come on beautiful, get ready for bed."

I walked into the bathroom slowly. It was huge. I've never seen a black bathroom before, but now I have. The floor was white marble tiles. The counters were like a dark gray, but not totally black. The walls were black marble, and the mirror stretched from wall to wall. He had a jacuzzi tub as a bathtub, it was white with black accents. And the shower, is huge. It was an all glass shower the shape of a box, right in the center of the bathroom. I walked around it and you can see through it at every angle. The toilet was behind a short wall that was gray just like the counters. There were a few chairs in the bathroom for who knows and a closet full of linens. The cabinets were all a dark wood, so it blended in with the bathroom.

"Your bathroom is magnificent." I said.

"I'm glad you like our bathroom." He watched me closely. "I think you should get ready for bed. It's almost 11."

"Okay, you have to get out so I can shower."

"What? No shower with your boyfriend, I thought that was one of the perks." He pretended to be hurt.


40 minutes later


I walked out of the bathroom feeling clean and refreshed. Daniel had given me one of his shirts as it was super long on me. It went to about mid thigh. He didn't give me any underwear which would make sense, because he's not a girl. I don't have any underwear on or a bra, but who cares.

"Took you long enough." I looked at him laying in the bed topless. His body was sculpted by some God. He had pecs, a nice 6-pack, his arms were very muscular and everything about him was perfect.

"I'm sorry, but I your shower was really fancy and I wanted to see everything it could do." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, but I missed you." He stuck out his bottom lip.

"Grow up." I laughed at him and he joined in.

"But seriously, come here." He got all serious. I walked up to him slowly.

"Wait, you never gave me any underwear." I interjected.

"I know." He smirked mischievously.

"It's a little too early for me not to have underwear." I was about two arm lengths away from him.

"I can lend you mine, but then I'll be naked." He smiled. "Unless that's what you want. I'll be happy to oblige."

"No!" I put my arms out in a 'stop' gesture. "It's fine keep your undies. But can I have some shorts or something?" I didn't feel comfortable being so close to him without anything protecting my butt or pussy.

He groaned. He got up and walked to a door, once he opened it I was amazed. It was a huge walk-in closet. About the size of my room. Only half of it was full, the other half was empty. He grabbed some boxers out of a drawer and tossed them to me. "Here you go baby cakes." Once he walked out, I slipped them on. They semi fit my waist, they were a little loose and kept sliding down, but it's fine. I walked out of the closet and saw him sitting in his bed doing who knows on his phone.

"Where am I sleeping?" I asked him, being completely serious. He started to laugh, I could see the tears in his eyes start to well up.

"Right here." He pointed to the spot right next to him in his huge bed.

"I am not sleeping in this bed with you." I put a strain on the word 'not'.

"Why not? I won't bite."

"One, you got hard really easy, and I'd rather avoid that. Two, I -"

"I only get hard very quick around you. What can I say? I'm attracted to you." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway... Two, I'm a wild sleeper. What if I kick you on accident or push you to the edge? You're my boss, you'll fire me for assault."


"And my hair goes everywhere."

"Keep it tied up." He had a good point. I need to adjust the bun so that my hair doesn't slip out while I'm sleeping and become frizzy. I pulled the hair tie out and shook my head. "Woah."

"It's a lot, I know."

"It's beautiful just like you."

I smiled. He's sweet. I took my hair tie and tied my hair up into a pineapple. I crawled into his large bed and got under the covers.

I yawned so he got a remote and turned off all the lights. I laid down, there was some space in between us, probably like 8 inches of space. Space that he didn't want there. He scooted towards my back, wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me towards his body. I liked being in his embrace. It was relaxing, warm, comforting and it felt safe. My clothed back touched his naked front, the warmth radiated of his body and warmed me. My butt was lightly pressed against his crotch, and I hoped he wouldn't get hard throughout the night. Our legs were tangled together. And our fingers laced with one another.

"Good night beautiful." He whispered.

"Good night." I muttered before drifting off to sleep.

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