Chapter 2: The Hangover. Unexpected. Eunice Jaydien Rogers.

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I woke up to the buzz my iPhone produced while it vibrated on the cold hard wood of my bedside table. I looked at the caller ID and unintentionally sighed first thing in the morning. Dean Atkins. Just great. I looked at the digital clock on the bedside table and it said 4:16 am in bright red lights.

“Hey.” I said nonchalantly. 

“Hey, sorry to call this early. Just to inform you, operation is scheduled Monday next week. 5:30 am sharp.” He said matter-of-factly.

“Okay. Perfect. Oh by the way, I want more info about Brent Thompson. I wanna know more about his history. I want it on my table as soon as I walk in my office. Understood?” I said hearing my own voice leaking with grogginess.

“Consider it done, Ma’am.” There was a pause. “Did I wake you up? I’m so sorry. I thought you’d be awake by now. I know you’ve always been a morning person so I didn’t bother checking the clock.”

“Nah. It’s okay. And drop the ‘‘ma’am’’ thing. It’s a bit disturbing, seriously. We’re still at the same level.”

“No we’re not. You’ve absolutely left me behind. Operation here and there. Board meetings with the other big doctors. I won’t even be surprised if I’d hear that you’re in the Officers Board already. You’re turning 27 in eight months. Just 27! And look at you! You’ve already gone a long way!” He said with shame coating every word.

“Claire? Claire! I’m sorry about what I said.” I snapped out of my reverie. I hadn’t realise that my mind has drifted miles away. I obviously didn’t expect our conversation to take this kind of turn. I’ve never really thought about the things he just said until now that I heard them. I wasn’t really paying much attention to those. All I know is I’m enjoying what I do. I’m happy. I’m contented. I never aspired or even dreamed of anything more or of the things he said. I seriously didn’t see myself there. 

“Uh yeah? Hey, you know what I’ll catch up on you later. I really feel the need to sleep. Don’t worry about it. Bye.” I hang up.

That was… awkward? I don’t know. I let my mind wander off. Have I really left him out that far? I really didn’t notice. I was just doing my job… I really don’t see anything special about going to board meetings with our senior doctors. Why did he say big? Come on. Life’s simple. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been into this profession. We’re all just doctors. We’re all equal, right? I mean that’s just how life is meant to be, right? Simple and equal.  

I just let it go. I don’t get why people make a fuss or such a big deal about things. They complicate life. My mind wandered off much farther, but I stopped it. I didn’t want it to get too far. I didn’t want it to reach back there to that horrib-, him-, nothing. It’s in the past. It’s better left there. 

I suddenly felt uneasy. Wait. What just happened yesterday? I can’t really remember anything but the Dean incident and the operation I had in the morning. Without thinking, my head turned to the bedside table. I saw two cards but I couldn’t make a thing out from them.

I feel like having a hangover. My head started pounding as I try hard to think. It was weird. Then it hit me. I was going to work with Kevin Feige and Alan Taylor! We’d be having a meeting on Mo-, WAIT! I can’t be there! I have a scheduled operation!

But there’s gotta be some other way, right? Maybe I could fix the sched, have it earlier or later. No! The operation can’t be put off much later. I can’t risk my patient’s ebbing chance of survival much further! Maybe the meeting can be held at the evening? I mean, they haven’t gotten it settled down yet, right? 

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