The Curse

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"It can't be!" Fairy Godmother whispers as Maleficent turns to face her. Maleficent grins widely,

"Go away, mother." Mal says in a fed up tone. The door swings open and walks in Elizabeth Swan, everyone gasps as the hated pirate walks up beside Maleficent grabbing onto her daughters hand dragging her with her.

Sierra rips her hand from her mothers' grasp and slowly backs up in front of her friends. Elizabeth smirks and joins Maleficent laughing evilly,

"She's funny!" Maleficent says gesturing to her daughter, "I- you're very funny." She laughs to Mal. Her expression becomes serious when her eyes land on Sierra, "Look who it is Elizabeth? Your daughter! Your beautiful, evil, cursed daughter." Everyone gasps again when hearing her words. 

"Sierra what does she mean cursed?" Ben asks standing in front of his mother, 

"She means cursed." Elizabeth says smirking at her husband, "When she was only a baby, her father got her cursed by Ursula. Basically the magic in you can combine with other magic, in order to do whatever you please. But there's always a catch." Sierra looks at her dad confused and he shakes his head, trying to tell her that's not what happened, 

"Sierra had to give something up, to have this wonderful power. Do you know it was sweetie?" Her mother sneers. Sierra glares at her before realizing what she lost when she was little. The most important thing to her,

"You took her! You took the most important thing from me!" Sierra shouts in anger,

"Ah, yes the beautiful Black Pearl. Swiped from right underneath your finger tips." Elizabeth says evilly. Maleficent motions for Elizabeth to drop the topic and notices the wand in Mal's hand,

"Here. Wand me. Chop chop." It seemed like Mal was going to give the wand to her mother and Ben yells, "NO!"

Then, Mal tosses the wand over to Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother swings the wand over her head, white and silver sparks flying as she says, "Bibbidi bobbidi-"

The mother pirate grabs her daughter by her wrist and pulls her over towards Maleficent but Sierra pulls against her making her mom struggle to drag her. 

"Boo." Maleficent mocks, tapping her staff on the ground, it's gem glowing. The magic was like a wave, with the scepter as its center. Fairy Godmother and the entire hall, except for Maleficent, Elizabeth, the four villains, Jared and Sierra, were frozen.

"Psyche." Maleficent jokes, then laughs. 

Sierra and Elizabeth were still pulling against each other trying to go opposite ways, while Maleficent was messing with Adam and his glasses. She places them back on his head and walks over to Fairy Godmother.

She plucked the wand right out her hand which makes Sierra and her mother stop watching Maleficent as she looks at her daughter,

"Now, where shall we begin?" Maleficent wonders aloud, "I know! Why don't we start by getting rid of this?" She points the wand towards Mal's hand and the ring comes flying off her finger and onto the wand. Mal looks devastated while Maleficent cries happily, "Perfect fit!" 

Maleficent ducks under Fairy Godmother's arm, "The horns! The horns!" 

Mal looks at her finger where the ring was sadly.

"Oh.... falling in love is weak." Maleficent states turning Ben's head and sideways then back forwards. "And ridiculous." Sierra looks at Carlos remembering the game, 

"And you don't want it." Elizabeth says pulling against Sierra's arm again. Sierra rips her arm away from her mother, with tears stinging her eyes she glares at her mother,

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