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 So this is my new story of what happened at Hogwarts when Azlyn was in the hospital.

By the way this was based off a game so the first person to tell me what game will get their name dedicated to them in the story :)

Also, I know there arn't many pages in the first few chapters, and there isn't much going on, but please bear with me! It does get better, I swear!


I sat with my feet of the side of the local dock. I was the only one here seeing as all the other kids in the neighborhood were at their school.

Lucky them. They get to go to Hogwarts. They aren't "non magical".

Like me and Rohan, my twin brother.

"Nyx!" Rohan shouted, running toward me with a dazzling smile while waving two strips of paper in the air. "Nyx! You made it! It happened! They did make a mistake! You're going to Hogwarts!"

I jumped out of the pond and ran to meet him. YES! I HAD BEEN DREAMING ABOUT THIS!!!

I shrieked and jumped into his arms. I knew I was a witch. I knew but I never received my letter for Hogwarts. I knew because I made myself levitate for a day and a half when I got really happy on my third birthday. My mum and dad were really depressed when I didn't get my letter. Rohan never showed signs though so he never was depressed about not getting his.

Rohan shrieked too as my wet legs drenched him with the cold lake water. "Get off me you wet Dog!" he laughed.

"Woof" I responded, grinning madly. We had a joke that I was a dog after many dogs had followed me home after primary school one day. "So when do I start?!" I asked excitedly.

I had missed more than half my first year by now. Easter break would be coming up in a month or so. Would I be going in then? But I barely know anything! Maybe someone would come and teach me? Or I wouldn't take the end of the year exams like everyone else in my grade.

Rohan looked at the first sheet of paper. "Ummm. You're starting after the break, and being tutored by teachers named McGonagall, Snape, and... Oh my god! You get to be taught by Dumbledore! You lucky bitch!" Rohan playfully hit me in the shoulder. "Oh yeah and two students named Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy. Aww, so that’s the downside. You get to be tutored by stuck up, pretty boy, pure-blood, Malfoy." Rohan never like Malfoy. Our parents worked together at the ministry and my dad got the bright idea that Rohan and I would like someone to play with and was contacted by Lucius Malfoy.

I had been to the Malfoy’s house a number of times.

I think I liked his mom, Narcissa, the most. I thought her hair was interesting the way it was brown on top and white-ish underneath. When Draco was mean to me and started showing off to get my attention, I just turned away from him and sought out “Ms. Cissy” as she liked me to call her. This happened often enough that she was a second mother to me, and she told me once she thought of me as the daughter she never could have. When she wasn’t around her husband or son, she smiled genuinely and was really sweet. I never told her if I was hungry, never wanting to be rude, but all it took was a small growl from my stomach and for her to hear it for me to be slipped a sandwich and a glass of pumpkin juice. Whenever this happened, I looked at her gratefully, but she just put a finger to her smiling lips and winked discreetly.

Draco was nice enough. When he wasn’t being a complete pain in my ass… Or being rude… Or around anyone other than me. He had confided in me one day that the only reason he was ever mean was that his father expected him to uphold the ‘Malfoy family tradition’ of being a royal pain. I really don’t like Lucius Malfoy. Rohan hated Draco’s guts. He had seen Draco and his father sneering at a ‘blood traitor’ in the ministry.

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