The ideas form about the Heir.

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“What’s going on here? What’s going on?” Attracted no doubt by Malfoy’s shout, Argus Filch came shouldering his way through the crowd. Then he saw Mrs. Norris and fell back, clutching his face in horror. “My cat! My cat! What’s happened to Mrs. Norris?” he shrieked. And his popping eyes fell on Harry. “You!” he screeched. “You! You’ve murdered my cat! You’ve killed her! I’ll kill you! I’ll —”

Argus!” Dumbledore had arrived on the scene, followed by a number of other teachers. In seconds, he had swept past Harry, Ron, and Hermione and detached Mrs. Norris from the torch bracket. “Come with me, Argus,” he said to Filch. “You, too, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasly, Miss Granger.” Lockhart stepped forward eagerly. “My office is nearest, Headmaster — just upstairs — please feel free —” “Thank you, Gilderoy,” said Dumbledore.

The silent crowd parted to let them pass. Lockhart, looking excited and important, hurried after Dumbledore; so did Professors McGonagall and Snape. The rest of us were shooed off to our respective towers. Draco, however, was able to find me and shoved me into a broom closet. “Nyx, we need to talk.” He said, shutting the door behind him.

“I’m not sure I want to hear anything you say, Malfoy.” I emphasized the Malfoy part, crossing my arms, and he winced. “Look, I’m sorry that I said Mud- that word, but it slipped off my tongue! And I can’t really help it, I’ve been raised that way remember?” He grabbed onto my arms and looked pleadingly at me.

I shot him a glare but knew he was right in a way. Nature vs. Nurture I guess. “Just because-“ I started to say, but he cut me off. Suddenly his lips were on mine, cutting off any reprimand I had in store for him. I froze.

He pulled away from me all the way, slightly grinning. “Sorry, I just wanted one kiss before you never spoke to me again.” He was blushing, and I unfroze. “Who said I would never speak to you again?” I asked sort of amused. “We did admit we had feelings for each other in first year remember?” He asked me, avoiding my question entirely.

“Yeah.” I snorted. “And if I remember correctly, you ran off screaming later in the night leaving me to defeat Voldemort (he flinched and hit his head on a shelf) by myself.” He turned red. “Err. Um, Nyx? Would you like to be my girlfriend? Now that you’ve forgiven me, of course.” He wouldn’t look at me.

“Only if you stop with the M word, and try and be nicer to my friends. I don’t think they’d take it too well, and you certainly don’t want to be seen with a Gryffindor, so how bout we meet in secret.” We shook hands and left both grinning.

What have I just gotten into?

I sighed and picked up Jacklynn’s diary again. This time when I turned the page, there was another page waiting for me. This page was a month after the first page.

Hello again friend!

I know you mean no harm to me, because a curse was on the first page so that anyone who meant me any personal harm wouldn’t be able to see any more of these page. So congratulations! Since I do not own this book any longer and you are now in its possession, da da da dum! You now own this book! You can look at any page now!

So the other day, Remus asked out that Cherry girl. She seems cool if she’s chill with Remus being a werewolf and all. Not much has happened except Sirius has stopped asking girls out! Could he be changing his player ways? Nah, I doubt it. He just wants in my pants is all.

But anyway, the Marauders invited me to be an animagus with them! The kinda sad part is that I already am one. I became one in my third year after Sirius continuously pestered me day and night. I snapped and became one so he wouldn’t be able to follow me. I am a cat.

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