The Dragon.

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Dumbledore didn’t tell me much, other than what I had to do, what was expected of me, and blah blah blah. He did mention, though, that instead of the teachers catching me up with the rest of my class, Draco and Hermione would be tutoring me even more.

Fantastic. I’m so excited.


When he was finished, I walked down to the Great hall to grab breakfast before my tutoring started. I looked at the schedule I was supposed to follow for Easter break. I had tutoring every day for the next week. Saturdays and Sundays included.

I ‘conveniently’ had more days with Draco than Hermione. Draco must have asked for me… the little git. Tutoring started with Draco after breakfast in the potions room. He was teaching me potions and defense against the dark arts. Hermione was teaching me transfiguration, charms, and herbology. I quickly walked downstairs and grabbed some bagels and crispy bacon.

Mmmmm. Bacon is delicious.

I sat down for a while until I saw two ginger twins at the arch of the room. One was pointing to me. I quickly looked down as one of the two approached “Hullo.” The twin said, a devilish grin on his face. “I was just wondering, but did it hurt?”

I was so confused. “Did what hurt?” I asked what is this guy talking about? He sat down next to me and looked deep into my eyes. “When you fell from heaven. Do you want to go out with me?” I felt heat on my cheeks, but knew I wasn’t blushing.

I never blush.

Instead I snorted and started laughing. “Hahahahahaha! Oh that’s funny! Sorry man, but I want to keep my soul and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m a first year.”

He cocked his head to the side. “You’re a first year? Wow… And how exactly would you lose your soul if you dated me?” Now he was the one confused. I shook my head sadly. “Don’t you know what the latest muggle myth is? Gingers can steal souls.” I stifled a giggle, as he comprehended what I had said to him. He shrugged.

“Meh. Oh well, it was worth a try anyway. I’m Fred Weasly by the way. Who are you?” He held out his hand, I shook it and grinned for the first time since I had come to this new and overwhelming place. “Nyx Être, partially at your service.”

He sat with me for a while, and I found out that we had a lot in common. We both liked pranks, Quiditch, messing around with people’s brains, and jokes. We had been sharing jokes since we had stopped talking about Quiditch.

“Ok. I’ve got one. A woman is on her deathbed lying down while her husband is sitting next to her crying. She starts to confess something but each time is interrupted by her husband. Finally she says ‘Before I die, there’s something I have to confess.’ ‘There’s nothing to confess,’ said the weeping husband. ‘It’s all right. Everything’s all right.’ ‘No, no. I must die in peace. I must confess that I have been unfaithful to you.’ The husband stoked her hand and said, ‘don’t be concerned. I know all about it.’ ‘You do?’ she gasped. ‘Sure darling,’ He responded. ‘Why else would I poison you?’”

Fred howled with laughter as I told him that one. “Oh man!” He said, wiping a stray tear from his eye from the funny joke. “That was probably the best one I’ve heard for a while! Where did you get that one?” He was smiling, not smirking like most boys do, and I found him quite stunning actually. Time seemed to freeze for a minute as I stared at him.

No, wait, that’s a lie.

Time did freeze. I stopped staring at him and looked around at everyone else. They too had stopped what they were doing. People in the halls were frozen in mid step, one girl I saw was fixing her boobs so they were more noticeable. Teachers were halfway in between eating and looked as if they had been put on pause (which they had).

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