Second year begins.

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“Nyx!” My mum screamed. What did I do now?! “Nyxzal Valerie Être! Get your ass down here! It’s almost time to leave!”

I sighed. Much had changed since the last time I had been home. Both mother and father were treating me like I wasn’t even their child. Rohan wouldn’t even talk to me anymore. Harry never responded to my letters. Hermione and Ron weren’t exactly my closest friends.

I only got letters from Draco and Fred.

Even then, most of their letters never made it through my parents’ rage. If my mum got hold of a letter she’d smack me upside the head then burn the letter before I could see it. I hated my house now. From the minute I returned from Hogwarts, they had treated me like the plague, and I don’t even know what their problem is! They wont talk to me! I barely got fed because they refused to let me eat from the table, but I couldn’t just get food from the kitchens either. I watched as mum forbid the house elves from giving me any food. I had lost nearly half my body weight and felt like a shell in my own body.

That’s why tonight I was just going to leave. Yeah. I’m running away. I was hoping that the Weaslys’ would take me in since Ms. Weasly was so nice to me the last time I saw her, and because I’m one of Fred’s friends.

I’ve had my bag packed for weeks, and tonight, tonight was finally my chance. My parents and Rohan were leaving for the night, and I wasn’t going. I was finally going to escape this prison! I just had to wait for the rest of them to leave and then I’m gone for good. I don’t think I’ll ever go back.

I raced downstairs and stood in front of the people I used to think were my parents that loved me. I stumbled on the last step, but they didn’t seem to care. “Get up, you stupid half soul!” She snapped at me. She was always calling me that now. Half soul. “We’re leaving. You are not to go in the kitchen. You are not to leave your room, not to mention the house. If you do, you are not to get any food for another week. Do you hear me girl?” Mum sneered.

“Yes ma’am.” I whispered hoarsely. She shooed me to my room, and I heard the door lock with a sickening twist. I had hoped she would have just left me be. Since the moment I had gotten home, Mum and Dad had treated me like most pureblood do muggles (minus the Weaslys but that’s just because they’re awesome). Mum had stolen my wand, locked my books and broom in the top most room in the house, and destroyed any chance I had of escaping.

Luckily I had one friend in the house Mum didn’t know about.

Her name was Hiska. She was a house elf who gave thought to every command my parents gave her, deciding whether or not it was the right thing to do. She had round brown eyes and floppy ears that looked surprisingly cute on her. She brought me my books and my wand, and had even helped me pack my bags for when I ran away.

I laid down, trying to catch my breath from my long trek up the stairs. I was severely underfed and undernourished. I barely had anything to eat for the last week. Only bread and water every two days. Poor Hiska… She felt so bad about not being able to get me any food, but Mum had directly told each an every elf that I was not to get any food.

I sat up slowly, and glancing in the mirror, I sighed at my reflection. When I had left the school, my face was healthy and bright, now it hung to my face, my cheeks were hollow. My clothes, once fitting at Hogwarts, felt ten times bigger now. Mum, in a fit of rage one day, hacked off all my hair because I had screamed at her. I now have no hair because she constantly shaves it to ‘teach me a lesson about manners’. I looked like a living skeleton. A really poorly kept skeleton.

Hiska flashed into my room, and helped me to my feet slowly. “Mistress Nyx should be careful! Mistress shouldn’t hurt herself!” She squeaked. “Mistress is finally leaving! Hiska doesn’t know whether to be happy or sad for Mistress. Hiska knows how to get up the Mistress’s mood! Hiska shall show Mistress how to transport from places without setting off the trace. The transport is not apparition, so Mistress can transport anywhere! Hiska is not supposed to.” Hiska shuddered violently, but I held onto her tight. “But Hiska loves Mistress very much, so Hiska will show Mistress.”

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