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via Josh 😉's snapchat story 12:34 pm

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via Josh 😉's snapchat story 12:34 pm

via Tyler 😻's snapchat story 12:35 pm

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via Tyler 😻's snapchat story 12:35 pm

Josh 😉 is typing...

Snapchat from Josh 😉

Josh 😉: you callin me a liar?

Tyler 😻: I ain't callin you a truther

Josh 😉: this is why I like you

Tyler 😻: love*

Josh 😉: hmm maybe 🤔

Tyler 😻: whatever 🙄

Josh 😉: I miss you, brat

Tyler 😻: wanna go get ice cream?

Josh 😉: i dunnoooo...

Tyler 😻: what. you cannot say no to me.

Josh 😉: yes I can 😛

Tyler 😻: please joshy?

Josh 😉: still no

Tyler 😻: ....

Josh 😉: try again

Tyler 😻: please... DADDY 🙄

Josh 😉: be there in 10 😇😘

Tyler 😻: and you say I'm annoying...


Get hyped for 16!! Their first unofficial date finally

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