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Tyler awoke a few hours later and found himself still tangled up in Josh. His stomach did a somersault in response. He watched contently as Josh slept. His mouth hung open slightly, although he wasn't snoring. Tyler knew he was falling for this man. Hard.

"Joshy..." Tyler whispered, almost not wanting to wake him up and disturb him.

"Jooooshy," Tyler repeated, dragging out the o.

He sat up slightly and tapped Josh's cheek. Josh's eyes fluttered open in response, his gaze fixed upon Tyler.

"How'd you sleep?" Josh asked in a sleepy voice that made Tyler's heart melt.


"That's good."


"Great," Josh responded, sitting up next to Tyler.

"You hungry?"

"Starving!" Tyler exclaimed as he got out of bed, forgetting he was wearing only boxers.

"Nice legs, Ty."

Tyler gasped and couldn't help but blush as his ears grew hot from embarrassment. He quickly rushed over to his dresser and threw on a pair of dark jeans.

"That was embarrassing," Tyler muttered.

"Don't be embarrassed, Ty. I think you're absolutely stunning," Josh informed him, knowing the effect it would leave on Tyler.

The pink hue already dusted on Tyler's cheeks grew brighter at Josh's compliment.

"O-Okay... Thanks," Tyler stammered, heart feeling warm and fuzzy.

"Wanna go get some lunch at Taco Bell?"

"Yeah, I can pay for myself," Tyler stated, feeling bad that Josh paid for his ice cream last time.

"No, let me pay for both of us. I'm a gentleman."

"I'm a gentleman too!" Tyler argued.

"No, you're a brat."

Tyler huffed and crossed his arms across his bare chest.

"My point exactly."

Tyler groaned and uncrossed his arms, angry that he just proved Josh right.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes as he threw on a black shirt with a colorful pattern on the front of it. "Let's just go to Taco Bell."

After the two had ordered, they decided to sit outside. They sat across from each other and ate in silence again, since both were too hungry to talk until they had food in them.

"I have to use the bathroom," Tyler announced, standing up. "Be right back."

"Perfect!" Josh thought.

He quickly got up from his seat and rushed over to his car. He grabbed the bouquet arranged of pink and red flowers he had bought when he got Tyler the rose.

(the bouquet)

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(the bouquet)

Josh rushed back over to the table and set them in the center. He had been planning this day in his mind for about a week now. He placed a piece of paper on the table in front of where Tyler was sitting. It read;

"Tyler, this might be kind of cheesy but I taco bout you a lot and I was wondering...?"

Josh sat in his seat, nervously tapping his fingers against the table. He heard someone approaching him and turned around to see Tyler, a confused look on his face.

"Were those flowers there before?" he asked.

Josh shook his head and watched Tyler sit across from him. Tyler read the note and looked up at Josh. He knew what was happening. His cheeks were the same color as the flowers that sat in front of him. He had been wanting this for a while now.

"Wondering what?" he questioned even though he knew the answer.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Josh asked, reaching across the table to grab Tyler's hand. He bit down on his bottom lip nervously.

"Joshy, of course I will!" Tyler said happily, nearly dancing in his seat.

"This note is so cute and creative by the way, how long were you planning this for?"

"About a week," Josh admitted, giving Tyler a small smile.

"Well you were right, you are a gentleman," Tyler joked, making both of them laugh.

The sound of the others laughter was music to both of their ears. There was no denying that they were both falling for each other fast. Maybe too fast. There was still so much that they didn't know about each other. Especially so much that Josh didn't know about Tyler. Tyler anxiously chewed on his lip at the thought, his thoughts cloudy even though he shouldn't have been anything other than happy.

via Josh 😉's snapchat story 2:32 pm

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via Josh 😉's snapchat story 2:32 pm


Wow I'm actually proud of this chapter and that picture is what inspired it, it fits so perfectly. On another note, Tyler is so good looking? So is Josh?? Are they even human???

Anyway thanks for reading! Comment your thoughts and leave a vote if you enjoyed :)

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