May high school begin!

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   "KATY!"screamed Ashley as she  entered her friends car
   "ASHLEY!"screamed Katy smiling.
   You see this is what happens when friends are reunited
"I haven't seen you in forever!"said Katy  as she reversed out of Ashley's drive way.
   "I know right!"
   "So are you ready for high school?"
   Good question,Ashley thought. Was she ready?
   "So anyways "she said ignoring the subject
   "Should we pick up Chloe?"asked Katy
Chloe was there other best friend 
   "Nah. She texted me this morning saying her mother drop her"
   It was not long before they turned into a road and saw there school .
   The school was two stories high and was painted a pretty shade of white.
  As Katy's eyes  drifted across the school she saw at the top of the school painted in big black letters were the words EAST HIGH
   Still very excited, Katy and Ashley ran out of the car and towards the school.
   While they were running  they heard familiar voice  behind them,
   "KATY!!ASHLEY!! Wait up!"  Yelled the familiar voice.
   "CHLOE!" Yelled Katy and Ashley  as they turned around and sprinted towards there friend.
     They all had a group hug and ran in together to start high school....

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