What happens in starbucks stay in starbucks

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Ashley sat patiently at a table in Starbucks as she waited for Bella and her crew,they took so long that Ashley decided to go for a little walk.
She got out off her seat and started wondering across the mall when suddenly a familiar face walked towards her.It was Noah
"Hey Ashley!"He said smiling
Ashley couldn't help but smile to.He was too cute. As they stared at each other,Ashley finally broke the silence by saying
"What are you doing here"
"Oh,I just needed to get some books,you?"
"Just meeting up with somebody "
They grinned at each other until Ashley saw the time.
"I got to go! My friend is waiting!"
"Ok,hope to see you later?"
And with that Ashley turned and headed towards Starbucks.
When she got there she found a not so happy Bella.
"Where were you?"she said,her face red.
"Yeah!"joined Jade and Vi
"Nowhere"said Ashley in a small voice
"Your not convincing anyone you know"said Bella "but anywho!we were wondering if you would like to join our squad! As soon as I saw you I knew you would be perfect!!
"This is a once in a life time chance don't blow "whispered Vi
"Umm ok?"Ashley said.
"Then it's settled! Welcome to the squad!"
Bella,Jade and Vi started telling Ashley the rules of the squad.
Ashley couldn't of stopped thinking if she made the right choice but it was exactly like how Ashley thought it would be.
High school changes everything.....

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