Chapter 12

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Lilly's POV

After that whole thing downstairs, Fawn and I went up to our room and went to bed. Well Fawn did, I didn't. I just sat on the edge of the other side. I though about if Leah was serious, are we really going to have a baby? I was nervous, my mind kept racing. I obviously was ready to be a mother, sort of. Then I thought, techneclly the baby isn't mine. In the way that it is not related to me by blood. I need to stop thinking of stupid things that are gonna make me insane. I then went to bed, hoping for a good night sleep.


I woke up, Fawn was still asleep. Somehow I got up first, when usually it is Fawn who gets up first. I decided to get up to get my jacket from downstairs, although maybe Leah put it somewhere. I quickly went downstairs, no jacket in site. I then looked all around the whole bottom floor, no jacket. I thought for a second, Fawn. She must have it. I ran back upstairs and looked at Fawn. Yep, she had it. I can't blame her really, It gets cold in our room. Before I could do anything else, Fawn woke up, Her eyes blinked, as she faced my direction. I smiled "Sleepy head is up." I said as I climbed back onto the bed, so I could lay next to her. "Yeah, yeah I am up." She groaned. "Everything alright?" I asked, my voice soft, almost a whisper. She nodded "I am fine, Leah is fine, we are all fine." She paused. "As long as your ok." She said. We got up and headed to the kitchen. I reached for the pancake mix in the cabinet and grabbed it. Fawn grabbed the bowl and placed it on the counter. She then grabbed the pancake mix out of my hand and placed it next to the bowl. "Lilly, we don't need to make breakfast, Leah can do that as soon as she gets up." Fawn said, her voice stern. I rolled my eyes "What are we going to do then?" I asked, my eyebrow raised. She put her arms around the back of my neck, She started playing with my hair that was swept behind me. I looked over to the side, trying to not make eye contact. "I have an idea.." She smiled, I glared at her from the side.

Fawns POV

I smirked as Lilly looked to the side, she avoided making eye contact with me. I pulled her closer, trying to make her get the idea. "I don't know Fawn, Just because Leah is sleeping now, doesn't mean she will be in another few minutes or so." Lilly protested. I frowned, moving my arms back to my side and moving farther back. "I guess you have a point, I dunno I have just been in 'the mood' lately." I said, fidgeting my fingers at the side of me. Lilly moved her hands over to my waist, she pulled me closer, so close I could feel her breathing. It was slow, and shallow. She smirked "Doesn't mean anything 'can't' happen now." She said, looking at me. "Your right." I said all flirty. I then paused, thinking about what Lilly had said earlier. What if Leah did come downstairs, That would be so awkward. "But then again, if Leah did-" I was stopped by Lilly putting her finger over my mouth. "It's fine, she should know that having a couple in the house. The things will happen." She whispered. I sighed "Yeah I guess." I looked over to the side. Lilly moved her hand up and pulled my face to face hers. I smiled as my eyes drifted to the side, not wanting to look at her. "What's wrong?" She asked, Trying to get in my view.

"I dunno" I shrugged

She let go and put her arms at her side. "Guess we should just wait for Leah then, hm?" She asked, her tone low as if she was disappointed.

I nodded, not saying a word.

"I'm going out.." She said

"Alone?" I asked


I sighed, "okay, whatever." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked, her voice made it sound like she was angry.

I stood there, looking at the floor. I didn't want to respond.

"Nothing." I said, looking back up at Lilly.

"Ugh fine don't tell me." Lilly said as she flailed her arms up in the air. She quickly grabbed the keys and walked out the door, not giving me a kiss goodbye or even saying goodbye. I just looked out the window, I watched as her car went out of the driveway.

"You alright?" Leah asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I am." I responded, I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"You sure?" She asked.

"I guess I am, Lilly just left."

"Left where?" She asked confused.

"I don't know, she said she was going out." I responded, trying to hold in my regret and sadness.

"Oh, is something going on with you two?"

"I don't know." I said.


It had been 8 hours since Lilly left to go out, I was starting to get worried. I tried to call her, but she eaither ignored my calls, or something happened. I messaged her, but she didn't respond.

I lay down on my bed, wondering if I should try and find her. But I knew she wouldn't want to talk to me. So I just got ready for bed, and went to sleep. With one side of the bed empty.

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