Chapter 13

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I woke up, still alone. Lilly hadn't come home all night. I sighed, and got up. I didn't know what to do, call her again, or message her again. I just sat there for a few minutes, thinking if she would ever come back. I looked at my ring, my engagement ring. It just made me think more about her. I took the ring off and placed it on the bed side table. I sighed and got out of bed. I went downstairs, Leah was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Hey." I said.

She looked back and smiled. "Hey sleepy." She replied as she flipped the bacon over.

"Yum bacon and eggs." I looked over at what she was cooking, it looked amazing.

"Yep, something different." She said. "You know since we have had pancakes for the past few days."

I nodded "Yeah, something different is good though."

"Hey by any chance, did you see Lilly stop by last night?" I asked, with a concerned look.

"No, why? Has she not came home?"

"Not all night, as far as I know." I replied.

Leah got a plate from the cabinet and put 2 eggs and 4 slices of bacon on it.

"Here you go." She said as she passed me the plate.

"Thanks." I replied as I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to eat.

I sat on the couch and started eating, the food was great, like Leah's cooking always was. I sighed, looking at my finger where my ring used to be.

"Hey, you okay?" Leah asked as she walked into the living room.

She sat down on the other couch next to me, She quickly looked at my finger with concern.

"Hey why is your ring not on?" She asked, grabbing my hand and looking at it.

I pulled my hand away and said nothing.

"C'mon tell me!" Leah exclaimed.

"It's nothing, it's just Lilly has not come back and I feel she never will."

"Oh Fawn, it's only been a day, she will come around." Leah said softly.

I handed my plate to Leah and she took our plates to the sink to wash them out.


I sat on the couch for hours, whenever I heard the door open I thought it was her, But it wasn't, it was Leah coming in and outside. Leah popped her head in the doorway. "Hey Lilly's car is still not back." She said, pointing to the window. "I know." I said, not looking at the window. She walked in the living room and sat next to me. "Fawn, maybe you should call the police and report her missing." Leah suggested. "

"No, I know she is at a hotel or something." I said, staring at the T.V.

Leah grabbed my hand "I know you are nervous, but you need to talk to me."

I looked at her, tears running down my cheek.

"But what if she never comes back?" I sniffled.

"She will, she loves you too much to leave you."

I rested my head on her shoulder and buried my face in her shirt.

I kept crying, that's all I could do.

"I am shocked you are sharing your feelings." She said with a chuckle.

"I-I kn-know." I said, my voice cracked as I talked.

I lifted my head, I looked at Leah.

"Everything will be fine, try to call her. Hopefully she will answer this time." Leah said before getting up and walking away.

I sat there, alone.


I walked into my room, Lilly and I's room. Another night of sleeping in our room on my own. It felt scary, no kisses goodnight, no erm..nevermind. No cuddling, and no love from my love. I hope Leah was right, Lilly loves me too much to leave me. I love her more then she thinks, I hope she knows that.


I woke up to the sun shining bright in my face, my face felt hot because of how hot the sun was. I looked over on the other side of the bed. No lilly, my eyes started to water. Maybe Leah is wrong, is Lilly never coming back? I sat on the edge of my bed, Tears rolling down my cheek like a waterfall. I looked at the counter, my ring was still there, non touched. I picked it up and looked at it, the sun shined on it. I kept staring at it until I saw one of Lilly's jackets on the side of an open drawer. It was one of her white ones. I picked it up, it looked like it was just left there last night. Did she come home last night? I wondered. I picked up my phone and looked at it, no messages, and no missed calls.

"I haven't seen her, Fawn."

Leah was standing in the doorway, I looked at her.

"I know, I haven't eaither." I responded

She walked over to me

"You should call her again."

"I know, I will." I said, smiling to hide my pain.

She walked out and pointed at my phone. I grabbed it and glared at it.

I finally turned it on and went to Lilly's contact.

I pressed 'call' and it started ringing.

Someone answered.

"Hello?" A voice asked, Lilly's voice

"Hey." I said.

"Oh..Hey Fawn." She responded, she didn't sound excited to hear my voice.

I started sobbing, My hiccups in between were loud, loud enough so she could hear.

"I wish-I wish you were here." I said, my voice pausing while I talked.

"I know." She responded.

"Please come back home, I love you!" I cried.

"I don't know...."

"Why? are you ever coming back?" I asked

"I-I." She stuttered.

"I gotta go." She said quickly.

"Please come home." I said.

She then hung up, my heart started breaking. I felt as if she didn't love me anymore.

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