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I hate this feeling. The one where you wake up and automatically know something's wrong. The sun was shining, birds chirping, it was peaceful. That's it! I don't hear mum moving around the kitchen or jake screaming at the t.v. what time is it? I look over at my alarm clock, pushing the sheets away. 8:25! Dad should be leaving in about five minutes, he should be down stairs now. I jump out of bed and slip on my cow slippers and run down the stairs in my blue cow pajama pants and yesterday's T-shirt.

"Dad? Daddy, i came to say good bye!" i shout entering the kitchen, it's empty. Dad isn't there with his newspaper, mom isn't cooking breakfast, jake isn't on the couch in the living room. They didn't leave a note and there cars are still here. I ran back up the stairs and head to jake's room. If he is naked so help me god i will... chop his balls off!! Probably not but you see where i'm headed. I push open his bedroom door but the door won't budge pass a certain point. I stick my head in between the crack and gasp when i saw who was blocking it.

"Jake!" i exclaim, i slip through the crack and kneel down on the floor beside him. I put his head on my lap, a wave of relief filled me when i saw his chest rise and fall. He wasn't dead, he probably fell while walk sleeping.

"Jake? Jake wake up! Don't make me carry you to your bed!" i say a little louder than my regular tone. I shake him, he still didn't wake up. I groan and stand up. I pull on his hands a drag him to his bed. I put the sheets over him and closed the door. I walk over to my parents bedroom. I knock, no answer i open the door slowly, mum has still in her bed, but dad side was empty. The bathroom light was on, i could hear the shower running i knock on the door.

"Dad, it's 8:40" i said through the door. No answer, that always bugs him "dad?" no answer. Oh god please don't be naked. I squeeze my eyes shuts and open the bathroom door, i open on slowly. Dad was on the floor with his house robe on, not moving,

"DAD!!" i ran over to him, i put two fingers on his neck to check his pulse. I felt a strong pulse

"Oh thank god!" i mutter, i pull him back into his room. And tried to put him on his bed but failed horribly. He hit his head, it was bleeding already so i pull out my phone and called the ambulance.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" i talked into the phone, i thought they answered right away.

"Hello?" i repeat. What is going on? I hung up and decide to see if the neighbours knew anything. I went out in my pajamas i rode my bike to there house, because it was pretty far from my house. It took me five minutes to reach there house, i knock on their blue front door. No answer, i rang the doorbell, nothing. The door was unlocked, and there cars were in the driveway. I slowly opened it i couldn't see or hear anybody.

"Mrs. Anderson? Mr. Anderson? Ruby, jake? Anybody?" i walk into the hallway and take a glance into the kitchen, and the living room. I made my way upstairs and knocked on ruby's room.

"Ruby i'm coming in" i say, i open the door, ruby was in her bed sleeping. I ran over to her and shook her

"Ruby i need your help! Something's wrong... ruby?" she didn't make a sound. I feel tears sting my eyes, frustrated that nobody is answering me. I ran out of her room to see if jake was awake. He was asleep to. I headed over to the master bedroom. Mrs. anderson was sleeping, but i couldn't see mr. anderson. The tears threaten to escape, i need to get out of here. I ran outside. My hair came undone, my chocolate coloured hair blow in the wind. I gasp, mr. anderson was sitting in the driver's seat of his car head on the steering wheel. The tears escaped. I ran to my bike and drove back to home, full speed. I threw my bike on the ground and ran inside.

Maybe it's on the news.

Maybe, i walkover to the living room and grab the remote turning on the news. The screen shows multiple people sleeping. But in big bold white letters on the bottom of the screen read

WARNING: People seem to be falling in a deep sleep and aren't waking up.

Wow! It makes them seem like they're dying.

There not! They are still breathing

It's only a matter of time, Alexa.

I refuse to believe that!

I ran upstairs to my room. I pull out my phone and go on twitter, it's seems to be silent, i hear my notification go off. I grin appears on my face,

someone's awake it not just me!

Who sent it?

I check the tweet,

Kameron Roots (@KameronRoots)

Is anyone else awake?

"Oh my gosh! Not only is someone else awake, that someone is a famous singer!" It already has 4 comments! We're not the only ones awake!

I click on the comments.

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