N.Y.C, UNITED STATES (7:00 a.m.)

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I came out of the shower, i wrap a towel around my waist and take my phone out of the pile of clothes i left on the counter, it's 7:00 and i still haven't heard from kyle. He's usually in my room by 6:30 and kyle's never late something might be wrong, the would tell me if something was wrong though wouldn't they. Mayne he came in when i was in the shower and left a note or something. I put on my boxers and dried off my hair, i put on a pair of shorts with a plain white t-shirt. I left the hotel's bathroom and entered the master bedroom. The perks of being a singer, eh? I can't wait to just leave this business, but what would i do then? I let out a sigh. I threw the towel on the floor and went to get a bowl of cereal from the kitchen. I saw a piece of paper.

So kyle was here!

I quickly read it. Kyle told me i had to be in the gym with rob by 7:30. And, unfortunately tweet a selfie.

I'm sure they would love to see you eating cereal.

Stop being so sarcastic.

You could be kissing a mirror and they would think you're hot!

Yeah i know it's bad, but hey as soon as i get out of this place the better.

So could pull what justin beiber did!

And what was that?

Well after his break up he went rogue, he got arrested countless times and he isn't that liked as he used to be.

Yeah! I remember in high school kacey had a pillow with his face on it... then she cut it up with scissors.

Okay forget justin bieber.

"Oh god! Shut up!" i yell at myself. I seat down on a bar stool after pouring myself a bowl of lucky charms. I take a spoonful of cereal then open my mouth and face my phone to take a selfie. I tweet it.

Kameron roots (@KameronRoots)

Hey guys! Just eating my lucky charms!


I can't believe i have to write stuff like that, i should just tell them all off.

Yeah i can't believe you wrote that either.

What is wrong with you?

You mean us? That's a good question, unfortunately i don't have the answer to that.

I look back down at my phone. No comments now views or retweets. Just a big fat zero.

Maybe it's what you said that would scare me off too!

That's never happened before

As kyle would say: there's a first for everything kid!

I better head over to the gym soon.

I finish my cereal quickly. I put on my running shoes and tie the laces in bunny ears. The wall way was empty, no security, and there's always security on the v.i.p. Floor.

Something's wrong! I can feel it in me! Did you see what i did there my your gut feeling/ instinct. And people say i can feel it in my gut that it's whatever!

Your not funny

No i'm hilarious, you just don't remember how to laugh!

I open the gym door and walk over to the weights where rob usually is.

"Holy fuck!" i boomed. Rob was laying down what looks to be dead. He had a heavy weight crushing his bare chest, his eyes were shut and his skin was bloody.

"Someone call a goddamn ambulance!" i shout, but no one responds. I pull out my phone and call the police. No answer.

I didn't even think that was possible.

Me neither.

I left rob to go look for help, i found no one. When i left the hotel there was a mob of paparazzi but they all look dead, i walk around the city that never sleeps. But what was funny is that everyone seems to be sleeping.

How ironic

Maybe if i tweet again someone will see it, i can't be the only one awake.

Kameron Roots (@KameronRoots)

Anyone else awake?

Four other people are awake! It's not just me!

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