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Keith didn't know what to think. Lance still hadn't come back, and it had been two hours now. He was getting extremely worried. Was Lance really that upset? Keith knew what he and Lance wanted was wrong; it wasn't what Zarkon and Alfor agreed on. Lance had to have known that too but—he wasn't entirely wrong either. Lance of course isn't the daughter of King Alfor, but he was the son. So in a way, the agreement could possibly work? Keith sighed and rubbed his head. Alfor suddenly appeared next to him. "Enjoying the ball?" Keith jumped slightly, but then smiled.

"Yes..very much, thank you." He wanted to tell King Alfor what was really going on, but he couldn't...or, maybe just not right now?

"Is everything alright, Prince Keith?" Keith nodded.

"Yes sir." But Alfor smiled understandingly.

"Prince Keith, I know the troubled look of a teenager anywhere." He joked with him, which made Keith smile gently.

"Oh, right." Keith looked to the door, "I'm sorry, it's just, I haven't seen Lance in a while; a couple hours actually. I just hope he's alright." King Alfor frowned, pulling a guard to the side.

"Find Prince Lawrence for me, please." The guard nodded and walked off. Keith tilted his head.

"Lawrence?" Alfor smiled.

"He likes to go by Lance." Keith nodded and rubbed his arm. He looked over to Allura, who was mingling with some of the other guests. She looked so happy, so relaxed, so...fake. She felt someone watching her, turning to Keith. She cocked her head with a blank stare, wiggling her fingers at him, taunting him. Keith frowned and faced away. He did not want to deal with her, but then Alfor waved her over to them.

Oh God please no. She started walking over to them. No. She came closer. No!

"Hello, Father."


"Good evening, Allura." Keith didn't look at her as Alfor spoke, "Have you seen your brother around?" She narrowed her eyes curiously.

"No I haven't..why?"

"Prince Keith said Lance hasn't been seen for a few hours." She glared at Keith.

"Oh really? Was he the last one with Lance?" Keith frowned.

"What are you saying?" Allura shrugged.

"All I'm saying is Lance has mysteriously disappeared, and you were the last one who saw him."

"We were just spending some time together. Then I left to come back inside."



"Was he alive when you left him?" Keith growled.

"I didn't do anything to Lance!" Keith roared. The music stopped, and everyone looked to the Galran prince. His ears lowered, and Zarkon came over to them.

"What has Keith done?" He asked in a low voice. Keith pouted, crossing his arms.

"I just said I didn't do anything." Zarkon hit Keith in the back of the head.

"Was I speaking to you?" Keith saw Allura smirk before she looked away.

"Sorry." Allura had a smug look on her face.

'You better be sorry.' She mouthed to him. A few guards came back, but Lance wasn't with them.

"Sir, may we see you privately for a moment?" Keith frowned, as did the rest of them. Alfor nodded hesitantly.

I Love You, Not Her (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now