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~one week~

"There's been a few sightings of Acxa's ship." Coran said. He, Keith, Lotor, and Lance were in an Altean battle cruiser; almost like the Altean castle but much smaller. Keith began to get nervous.

"Do you really think we'll be able to find them?" He asked, and Coran shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe...or maybe not. Trying to find Acxa will be like finding a hay in the needle stack. The way life works is a mystery." Lance glared at the back of Coran's head.

"The way your mind works is a mystery."

"Don't think I didn't hear that, Lawrence." Lance sighed and went over to one of the large windows of the ship.

"It never ceases to amaze me how big the universe actually is." He thought out loud. Lotor leaned towards Keith to whisper in his ear.

"If it's that big, no one will notice if we shove him out." Keith snickered and gave an elbow to Lotor's chest. "You know you want to."

"Sure. I would like to, but that does not mean I'm going to."

"Why? Cuz you still lo~ve him?" Keith blushed, looking away.

"I guess you can say that." Lotor cupped his own cheeks, puckering out his lips.

"Aw, that's so cute." Keith frowned at him with a scoff. "Why don't you go tell him then?"


"Why not?" Keith crossed his arms.

"Cause. I'm still mad at him."

"Ugh, you're impossible. I've forgiven him, sorta. He has said he's sorry." Keith looked over at Lance; suddenly he was pushed towards said Altean, falling to his feet. Lance jumped and looked behind himself, then his gaze fell down.

"Keith? Why are you on the ground..?" Keith stood up with a crimson red face, able to hear Lotor snickering in the background.

"I-I was...I was just---I came over cause---well I wasn't planning to---" Keith gave up and sighed, "I-I slipped." Lance reached out to brush some dirt off of Keith's shoulder, causing the Galran to back away. Lance slowly retracted his hand.

"Okay...well, are you hurt?" Keith brushed himself off instead.

"I'm fine." Lance's throat felt dry, and he gave a single nod.

"Alright." There was an awkward silence between them, "So...is there something you need?"

"Need?" Keith repeated.

"Yes, I mean, you must've come over here for a reason." Keith nodded.

"Right! My reason...um, Lotor..he---he says hi." His head lowered in embarrassment. Why is it so hard to talk to him?! Lance's face fell.

"Oh, okay." He then walked away to leave the room. Keith watched him as he left, looking back to his brother. He could see Lotor let out a large sigh, and then proceeded to smack his forehead. Keith, knowing what he had to do, then threw a silent fit and ran after Lance.

"Lance, hold on!" They left the room together and Keith continued to talk as they went down the hall, "I didn't go over to you just to give you a message from my brother."

"Then why do you want to talk to me?" Keith's mind then went completely blank.

"I....uh...well I-" Lance raised a brow.

"Yes..?" Keith went red and he lowered his head.

"L-look I---I'm sorry for being mad for so long! When Lotor forgave you I probably should've forgiven you too, but---I-I don't know!" Lance held back a laugh, covering it up with a cough.

I Love You, Not Her (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now