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Keith's ears lowered, as if they knew something he didn't. Amaros took a silent breath. This was it. This would be the question that could solve this case.

"Did you kill Allura?"


Lance's eyes began to water. Keith stared at him, his ears lowering even more. All he has to say is no, he—he didn't do it...

Lance burst out crying.

"Yes!" He buried his face in his trembling hands and sobbed. Keith felt his heart stop. He looked down at the polygraph.


"No..." Keith began shaking as well, "No Lance, how could you do this! She said she was going to bed! Why would you make it worse!?" Amaros stood up and pulled out his Altean cuffs, but then confusingly frowned at Keith.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't me-ean to!" Lance cried. Amaros raised a brow at the Altean Prince.

"How could you not mean to repeatedly stab someone?"

"Sh-she was going to-o ki-ill me!" Amaros looked between his cuffs and Lance, sighed, and put them away.

"Alright, alright. Just calm down." Lance couldn't stop sobbing though. Then Keith's ears twitched; he realized something.

Allura wasn't telling Lance to get away from Keith.

She was telling Lance to get away from her.

Amaros impatiently turned to Keith, "Could you, um..." Keith absently nodded and walked over to Lance. He hesitantly sat down beside him, then rubbed his back. In an instant, Lance was leaned over and crying into Keith's chest. The Galra hugged his prince and let out an aggravated sigh.

"You better have a good f**king explanation, Lawrence."


Amaros decided to leave them alone; of course, they were still being watched on cameras. He went to King Alfor to break the news. Alfor nodded at him. "Amaros." The detective bowed his head.

"King Alfor, I have some news about your daughter's murder."

"Do you?" Amaros pursed his lips.

"Yes, we have a confession." Alfor now looked more agitated.

"From whom?"

"From—" Amaros paused. How badly was this going to hurt the king? On a scale of one to ten? Amaros sighed. Ten billion was more like it. "Your son..." Alfor went pale, "he's admitted to.." Amaros trailed off as he watched Alfor shake his head in disbelief.


"Sire, maybe you should sit down-"

"Take me to him." Alfor demanded. "Now." Amaros thought it over, biting his lip.

"It might be better if we give him a chance to calm down and give us a proper explanation-"

"An explanation?! He killed my daughter!" Amaros nodded understandingly.

"Yes I'm aware of that, but he said she was going to kill him." Alfor looked down with clenched fists, "Please sir, I must insist you wait just a little longer." Alfor clearly wasn't happy about being bossed around, but he knew he had to give in.

"Fine." Amaros gave him a small, thankful smile and made his way back to the interrogation room.

"Amaros." Mabus was standing in front of the door, "Prince Keith is getting Lawrence to open up about what happened." Amaros nodded, making his way in, but Mabus held a hand in front of him, "I think it would be better if we watched from the other room."

"Why?" Mabus gave a look of concern.

"Lawrence might not want to speak with us about this, but he will with Prince Keith. Think about Lawrence's position. He has just gone through a traumatic experience; he needs the people closest with him now." Amaros rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Very well. This goes against a lot of rules though." They entered the room next door, where there is a one sided window. Everything was being recorded; they could hear everything Keith and Lance were saying. Amaros watched how the two behaved with one another. Lance stared at the floor while Keith soothingly ran his fingers through his hair.

"Tell me what happened." Keith said in a soft voice. Lance looked up at him with a wipe to his nose. "I can tell you didn't want to kill Allura but, you have to tell us what happened or they'll think you really did want to hurt her." Lance sat up slowly with a nod.

"Okay." Keith reached over and gave Lance's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Just start from the beginning." He took a deep breath.

"Okay..I went out to the kitchen, cause I was hungry, like just a bowl of some goo; that always helps me go to sleep, especially when it's warmed up-"

"Stop rambling." Lance's head lowered.

"Sorry....anyway, as I was starting up the goo machine, Allura was standing right there. She just like—appeared! And then she told me all that stuff I told you, like how could I like you, and that I was..discusting." Lance shuddered, thinking back on what happened:
((mention of violence and blood + some bad language))

"You're discusting!" Allura roared, Lance backed away, reaching for the light. But he heard her pick something up and run at him.

"Allura wh-" A sharp pain in Lance's arm cut him off. He screamed and held his wound tightly. "Are you crazy!?"

"You're dead." Allura's voice was coated with venom. Lance panicked and turned to run away, but Allura jumped on him.

"Wait!" Lance's mind was a blur. Allura was on top of him with a knife; the rage and hatred was emanating off her body. The only thing that ran through the prince's mind was, I'm going to die. "Allura, stop!" He managed to grab her wrists and force her to drop the knife. They fought with each other, rolling across the floor a few times. Lance pushed her off of him and got up to run. He felt his arm again, immediately coming in contact with the cold liquid pouring out of his wound.

"Get back here you bastard!" She grabbed his ankle and Lance fell back to the floor. That's when his fingers touched something else.

"Allura-" She used her own weight to pin Lance to the floor and her slender fingers wrapped tightly around his neck. Lance gasped for air but her grip was too strong. He kicked his legs out to get her off but she wasn't moving. Lance gritted his teeth and grabbed the knife.

"This is for betraying me and the entire kingdom! You deserve this, you dick!" Lance brought it up and felt it tear through something. Allura shrieked, and Lance felt the weight lift off him. His throat was able to open up again and he swallowed down as much air as his lungs could hold. He began coughing furiously and sat up. He could hear Allura's coughs along with his. "Yo—you stabbed me!" Lance rubbed his now sore neck, scooting away from her.

"I'm—s-rry! You w-were-" Allura screamed in anger and Lance felt her on top of him again. "Stop! Please!"

"God damn you to hell! I can't believe you!" Lance shielded himself as Allura beat down on his arms, "I hate you! You quiznacking monster!" He didn't feel anything; his mind went blank and his body took over. Before he knew it, he was stabbing his sister repeatedly. Her screams of terror were just blurred in with everything else. Finally, Lance stopped and backed away. His vision had adjusted to the dark and he stared down at Allura. Her dead cold eyes stared back up at him, a scowl forming on her lips. "I....hate..y-you..." her eyes rolled back and closed slowly. Lance was breathing heavily, then he snapped back into reality.

Oh...my.....Lance dropped the knife, his body trembling. His eyes began to blur and he blinked the tears away. He covered his mouth, got up, and ran. All the way to the bathroom he went and threw up in the toilet. He looked at himself in the mirror, looked at his torn clothes, his beaten arms, the cut along his bicep where Allura stabbed him, his eyes; his eyes looked just like Allura's—they were just, dead.

It was then, the moment Lance looked at those eyes, his eyes, that he began to cry. He cried as he discarded his bloodied clothes, he cried as he wrapped his arm, he cried when he got back into bed; through the rest of the night his room was filled with painful sobs.

I Love You, Not Her (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now