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"I was terrified they would find my fingerprints on that knife, or her clothes, so I went back and got rid of them too." Keith was stunned. Most of his shock went into the fact that Allura tried to kill Lance; why?

"How could you keep this a secret from them? From me?"

"Allura's the princess of Altea....if anyone killed royalty they'd recieve the death penalty automatically."

"But you're the prince."

"Doesn't matter."

"Well, you didn't get the death penalty automatically. You were able to tell what happened." Lance began to cry silently.

"Still...I'm scared Keith." He nodded and held Lance close.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Lance. I promise."


"Your trial is in a few hours." Amaros said, Lance's lip quivered, but he gave a single nod.

"Kay." Keith frowned slightly.

"That seems rather quick."

"Any case that involves royalty becomes top priority." A prison guard came in and took Lance's arm, pulling him up.

"Sorry your highness, but your father's making me do this." Keith wanted to object but he couldn't go against King Alfor. Lance looked at Keith with sad eyes, he reached out his hand.

Keith almost lost it.

He held his breath as he too, reached up and held Lance's hand. Lance smiled gently and mouthed the three words:

I love you

He couldn't take it. His hand slipped away and he cried into his hands. Lance turned away and let the guard take him out. Amaros looked at Keith, wanting to say something, but decided not to. He collected his things and left the room.

Keith didn't want to think about the possibility of Lance being executed. He was the prince of Altea after all, they need someone to be the heir. It just wouldn't make any sense. Alteans aren't that dumb, at least not some Alteans. Keith stood up and left, not wanting to stay in that interrogation room any longer.

"Keith." Lotor caught up with him, "So, how'd it go? I saw Lance being brought out by some guard.." He kind of figured it out already what had happened, but he wanted to ask and be sure.

"He did it." Keith mumbled. Lotor sighed and rubbed his head.

"Gosh...that's um.."

"He was only defending himself though. Allura was the one who tried to kill him first." Lotor's lips turned into a thin line.

"Oh..dang." Keith raised a brow at him, "So what's going to happen?"

"He's going to trial." Lotor nodded.

"Okay...when's that happening?"

"Can you like, stop asking me a bunch of questions? I have gone through many emotions today and I'd prefer to be left alone with my thoughts for a while."

"An emo wants to be alone with his thoughts, that like a completely intelligent thing to do." Keith rolled his eyes.

"Shut up."


It was crowded, everyone wanted to know what happened with Princess Allura and Prince Lawrence. Keith, Lotor, and Zarkon sat up in the front row with King Alfor. Keith looked at Lance; he was shaking. The lawyer assigned to him looked very, emotionless. This guy is supposed to be defending Lance? Later, Keith found out his name was Bashir. The lawyer prosecuting Lance was Haliz. He looked ready for battle..Keith hoped Lance's lawyer could prove his innocence. It felt like forever before it finally started.

I Love You, Not Her (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now