I Just Noticed- chapter 1

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Reader's POV
It's been 2 weeks since I've been in the Sakamaki mansion. It wasn't all bad to be honest. But it does hurt living with them. Literally...

No ones POV
(Y/n) was bored out of her mind and decided to walk around the mansion. Since all the brothers are still at night school, she thought, why not? While passing random rooms, the music room was what caught her eye. How she loved music, how it calmed her so much. Especially the piano. It reminded her of her beloved mother. The sweet and lovely voice of her dear mother....

Is no longer to be heard. For her caring mother, is no longer on earth. As (Y/n) soon realized she was in front of the piano, her eyes started to tear up. Yet, her sweet smile never left. Her calm face was still there, as she sat on the seat in front of the piano. Her mind was filled with memories about how she used to play the instrument with her mother.

Her fingers, as if they took control on their own, started gliding against the keys, forming a soothing melody. She closed her eyes and let tears slipped down as she smiles and imagined her mother was next to her.


No ones POV
The door opened then closed again. The Sakamakis were back.

"Dammit Laito! You keep getting yourself suspended! When will you get your act together?!" An angry and frustrated Reiji said to the fedora wearing creep.

"It's not my fault the girls in school look hot~" Laito said while biting his lower lip.

Reiji gave a sigh and nearly went up to his room until he heard the sound of the piano being played. Everyone then stayed silent figuring out who could possibly play the piano when they just arrived. They turned to look at Yui who has a surprised expression on her face.

"Listen Teddy, looks like (Y/n)-chan is playing a song." Kanato said smiling at his beloved stuffed bear. "Tsk... Who cares?" Said a certain tsundere with his arms crossed. As the song kept playing, the brothers soon went to their own rooms. Except for Shuu who was admiring the soothing melodies being played by the (h/c) haired female. The song ended and soon (Y/n) got out of the music room and saw Shuu sleeping on the living room couch.

Reader's POV
My heart skipped a beat seeing Shuu sleeping on the couch. I mean, I know he sleeps almost all the time but I can't help to look at his peaceful state. I had the urge to hug him but I know that'd be embarrassing. I walked closer and kneeled beside his sleeping figure. I gently stroke his cheek and hummed a song mother used to sing to me. But then my hand was grabbed and Shuu woke up. My eyes widened in shocked and my cheeks got warmer. I was a blushing mess.

No ones POV
Shuu grabbed your hand and opened one eye. "What do you think you're doing you lewd woman?" He said to you sounding frustrated. You gulped. "I-I was j-just... Um... " you stuttered which earned a sigh from vampire. "Why did you stop?" You blinked in confusion at his sudden question. But then you knew what he meant. "The song ended so, that's why I stopped." You answered while rubbing the back of your neck. "That song you played was the reason I fell asleep.." Shuu answered with bordem clearly in his tone.

(Y/n) sweat dropped at what he said. 'Don't you always sleep?' She thought. But it didn't stop her from blushing at his comment. (Y/n) looked at Shuu and he gazed back at her beautiful (e/c) eyes. His eyes widened slightly but (Y/n) failed to notice that. But she surely did notice the small blush on his cheeks which made her......worried. "Shuu-kun? You're red. Are you okay?" (Hehe.. Classic..) The (h/c) female asked while putting her hand on the male's forehead. This just made his blush even worst. "I-I'm fine!" He said while looking away from the girl. She sighed, got up and went to her room. Shuu was still there, thinking about what happened.

Shuu's POV
What did she do? Why do I feel like I need to see her....even after she just left? These types of questions kept repeating in my mind. "I wonder... " I said to myself before going back to my sleep.

No ones POV
(Y/n) was in her room, writing in her diary about the day she had. Her heart fluttered when she mentioned Shuu's name in her book. She smiled to herself and wrote the last words in the book.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow~


Sooooo?!?! How'd I do?! Geez.. Calm down it's only the first chapter... Anyways! There will be a LEMON ;D sooner or later so I only ask you to be patient. If I don't update THAT fast DON'T COMPLAIN PLEASE I KNOW I SUCK AT THIS!! It's only my second book so go easy on me... Who cares?!?!

Nat: *shoves her out of the way* move biotch! *like a boss*


Sera: you want chocolate?

Gimme!! *chases her*

Nat: I shall end this! Goodbye readers! *shows a peace sign*

*still chasing Sera* CHOCOLATE!! I WILL GET YOUUUU!!!

I'll Try To Stay Awake For You [Shuu Sakamaki x Reader] Lemon (COMPLETED✔️)Where stories live. Discover now