What Is It- chapter 4

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~No ones POV~
(Y/n) kept on walking along the garden with her face as red as can be. The words she said to Shuu keeps on repeating in her mind.

She came to a stop when she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. Hoping it wasn't Laito, she closed her eyes and turned around slowly. Fortunately, it wasn't. But the girl just stood there with her eyes still closed and a confused Shuu in front of her.

You didn't feel anything on your 'no-no zone' (Aha! Had too! *slapped*) and decided it was safe. But, you felt something cold, yet soft on your lips. You immediately opened your eyes, but closed them back after seeing that Shuu was kissing you. You wrapped your arms around his neck which surprised him for awhile, but soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around your waist. He put one hand on your nape to deepen the kiss.

As fast as time goes, you started to have a make-out session. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance, which you playfully denied. You heard a groan from the male and he squeezed  your butt. You gasped at his action which earned him a chance to slide his tounge in your wet cavern, claiming every spot there is. You moaned between kisses as he felt his pants getting tight.

Both of you pulled away after some moments because of this important thing called air. You looked at him with your face flushed, as he stared back with the same color of face as yours. You were slightly panting. He sighed and leaned close to your ear. "I love you too, (Y/n)...." There were no ways of explaining how you felt after hearing those words. He kissed your cheek and walked away. You smiled to yourself as you caught up to your new vampire boyfriend. You both walked side by side whilst staying silent, just enjoying each others company. He held your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. You had a blush spread across your cheeks. When entering the mansion, he opened the door for you. (what a gentleman.... THIS IS NOT CLOSE TO SHUU!!!)

As you got in,

He went straight to the couch............

Not before kissing your forehead, that is :D. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek, saying goodnight. (whatever okay?!?!)

~Shuu's POV~
I walked to the living room, seeing the last two people I wanna meet. Both of them approached me with their signature smirk plastered on their faces. I sighed, frustrated at what they might ask me. "Before you ask, I didn't go that far with her..." I said to them, boredly. They burst out laughing after what I said. My face turned to confusion as to why they're laughing for no reason.

"W-what are you- pfftt!! saying Shuu??" Ayato asked me while trying to talk properly.

"Now that you mentioned it~ How far did you go?~" You can just guess who said this.

"Not that you should know. So, don't bother me." I walked away to the music room and immediately slept. My thoughts were all about (Y/n). As long as I'm here, she'll never be hurt. I promise...

~normal POV~
(Y/n) was in her room, [insert random activity here]. She can't help but to smile at the thought of Shuu. Suddenly, there was a loud noise coming from downstairs. Thinking someone got hurt, (Y/n) went outside of her room to check. She even saw Yui and ask her what happened. All she did was say 'I don't know' and hoped no one got hurt. You could see all the brothers are out of their rooms. Even Shuu. You were very confused to what was happening at the moment. Until...........

Your room window broke, and you saw a man about probably your age. His golden eyes shone through the moonlight. You heard another person say to him. "Grab them! Now!" You looked at him with wide eyes as he got close to you really fast. You dodge as he tried to take you. Then his gaze turned to Yui. You felt your heart stop. You had to do something. Before you could even get to her, a sharp pain hit you in the back of your head. You fell unconcious, as your head hit the cold floor. Before everything went black, you could see Yui being dragged away, but what caught your attention was someone else's voice.

"(Y/n)!!!" And that was all you heard.


Hello readers!! Very very VERY sorry for not updating that fast! The story is getting short yes? I'll try to make it longer. But until then, I guess you'll just have to wait. Again, very sorry for any grammar or spelling errors. Not an American so yea.... I hate to make you wait, readers but I also have issues here. So please bear with me T^T. Love ya'll readers. Byee.

Ps: lemon chapter might come out in chapter 6. MIGHT!!

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