I'm sorry for the long update. I've been away for a long time! But really wanted to update you all!
It's really hard to comprehend how your life is supposed to turn out. The fear of the unknown. That's why we let fate do the talking. I'm a strong believer in fate, it decides our future and we're left sitting in the dark.
Today had left me feeling with a strange mixture of emotions. It was a strange day. It made me realise that you should never judge a book by its cover, no matter what's on the outside.I had a strong feeling towards Phoebe, I wasn't sure on what it was but I felt strongly about her, she is a good person.
I collapsed onto the soft bedding before me and landed onto my fluffy pillow. Relief washed over me. I had made my first day and it was good. Besides the weird events that occurred, it was still a good day.
The car journey home consisted of my mother playing the 21 question game with me and once she'd had enough of my yes and no answers, she finally gave up. I wasn't being rude, I was just confused. The whole day was confusing.My head was beginning to hurt from the itchy fibres holding the wig to my head. I reached for the clasp and let my long hair cascade down my fatigued back. I hated the fact I had to hide myself, it was tiring. Maybe one day..
I poured over the events that unfolded today.
What I couldn't understand was that boy, what happened?I had never felt anything like that before. The feelings that we're turning in my stomach hit me with something strange and unknowing, was it de ja vu?
Did I know this boy?
Devil & The Angel
RomanceGeorgie has been hidden most of her life. Never being allowed to do normal things. Hidden away from society. Not even allowed to go to school. Why? Because of her beauty. Her beauty is so astonishing, it takes the breath away of any man. Ha...