Chapter 1

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Rory ran. She ran like her life depended on it. She couldn't stop, not now when she was so close.

Rory ran in to the classroom just in time. When she had put her foot inside the door, the bell rang.

She had almost been late for her first class after the winter break. She got inside and sat down by her boyfriend Kyle.

Kyle gave her a fast kiss before the teacher came in. But the teacher wasn't Mr. Geller, who they had before break. No, now instead for Geller, stood a young man. He couldn't be older than 24.

" Hello. My name is Blake Tanner. You will refer me as Mr. Tanner. I am replacing Mr. Geller who died by a heart attack yesterday. Now I will call your name and you'll tell me something about you. " Mr. Tanner said, sounding quite bored.

Rory zoned out until it was her turn.

" Ms. Roger? " Mr. Tanner said.

" My name is Rory Roger. I'm 17 years old and I like to sing. " Rory said.

" Alright. Next is Mr. Winters. " That was Rory's boyfriend Kyle.

" My name is Kyle Winters. I'm 17 years old and I like my girlfriend. " Kyle said and this made Rory smile.

" Alright.  Now everyone have said something about them self. Now I'm going to let you ask me some questions. " Mr. Tanner said.

" Are you single? " Came the first question from Holly, the cheerleader. She was quite a b**ch to everyone who wasn't popular or a cheerleader.

" Yes I am. " Mr. Tanner answered with.

" How old are you? " Rory was surprised when Mary, the shy girl asked this.

" I am 23 years old. " Mr. Tanner said, still as bored as he was before.

It basically went on like that. Rory didn't listen very much. That was one problem in school for her; she had hard to concentrate.

The class passed quite quickly and when the bell rang, she and Kyle left.

Rory and Kyle split up so that they could go to their lockers.

Rory arrived to her locker and once she used the code, the locker opened. When she opened the locker came a small note flying out.

Rory took the small note and opened it.

Back to school again. Fun right? I know it is, because I can see you. I love you, you know that right? I hope we see etch other soon - not that you'll know who I am.

      - Your love.

At first Rory thought that it was Kyle who played a prank on her, but she was soon proved wrong.

When she and Kyle meet up again to walk to class, she asked him if it was his note. He denied it and said that it was probably Holly and her friends who played a prank on her.

Rory agreed. It probably was, after all, it wasn't the first time they made a prank one her.

The day passed quickly - especially when Rory was zoned out.

Rory got a ride home from Kyle and she kissed him good-bye when they arrived to her house. 

Rory got out of Kyle's car and made her way to her house. She got her key out of her bag and opened the door.

When she got inside she saw her 14 year old sister sitting on the couch watching NCIS.

" Hi. " Rory said to her sister Veronica.

" ´Hi. " Veronica said, not removing her eyes from the TV.

Rory shook her head. But it's not like she could say anything. She was the same a few years ago after all.

Rory decided to join her sister and watch NCIS. The episode was about when one of the agent's of NCIS was murdered by a woman, who was really a man.

It was a bit confusing.

When they where on their 3 episode, their 19 year old brother, Jacob, came home.

A few word's where exchanged and soon all the children Roger's where watching NCIS.

After who-knows-how-long-time and who-knows-how-many-episodes later, Rory's mom and dad came home.

While the childern watched TV, they made dinner.

Once dinner was ready they all sat down by the table and ate as a family.

When dinner was over, Rory went up to the second floor and in to her room. In her room there was two windows. One which showed the view of the woods and the other the view of the road.

Her room was mostly purple and some black. Purple and black was her favorite colors.

Rory changed out of her clothes and in to her PJ. Her PJ consisted by a shirt which showed her curves and small shorts.

When she had changed she started her computer.

She had been surfing on the Internet for a few minutes when a chat window came up. The other chatter was ' Rory'sHeart ' .

Rory, who thought it was Kyle who just changed his user-name, clicked yes to start a conversation.

Boy was she wrong. It wasn't Kyle.

( Rory / Mystery man. )

' Kyle is that you? '

' Guess again love. '

' Who are you? '

' I am your true love. '

' No your not. Kyle is. ' Right there Rory made the biggest mistake in her entire life.

' Kyle? Is Kyle your boyfriend? '

' Yes. Do you know him? '

' No, but I will soon. '

After that who-ever-it-was logged out. Rory shook her head in disbelieve. Why Holly would do something like that Rory did not get.

If Rory just knew how wrong she was.

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