Chapter 3

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Rory looked at the message in horror. ' As a corpse. '

'He couldn't.. Kill Kyle, right?' Rory thought as she read the message over and over again.

Rory couldn't believe it. It had to be a joke. ' Yes, it's just a joke. ' Rory kept telling herself.

' Just a joke. ' Rory thought as she turned the computer of.

She went down stairs and saw that while she was in her thought's, her sister had come home.

Her sister was sitting by the dinner table doing her homework and listening to music.

Rory was still freaked out. It had to be Holly who was doing this. Kyle is alright. She had to believe it. But she could not convince herself.

Two days passed and Kyle did not return. Kyle had been posted as missing by his parent's a day ago. Rory was distracted all the time and didn't listen during her classes. Many people noticed this and made fun of her. They knew why Rory was like that, but Holly had spread a rumor about Rory being pregnant and that's why she doesn't eat and has gotten paler. And everyone believed her.

All in all, Rory felt like cr*p.


He watched Rory in class. She did not know they went in the same class, but he didn't care as long he was close to her.

He noticed that for the past few day's she had been distracted.

He heard the rumors about her and it made him mad. He wasn't mad because of the rumors - but at the one who spread them.

Holly. He had hated her since the day they meet. She had made fun of him because he wore glasses.

Next on his list was Holly. He had to get rid of her so that Rory could be happy again. He was going to make his love happy again.


Rory's life turned upside down after class. She had asked her mother to drive her home. But during her last class she had received a text from her mother. Her mother had to work, so Rory had to walk home today.

Rory waked home in silence - she was alone after all.

When she was close to her house, she saw a police car outside of her house. She walked faster.

Soon she was outside her house. She saw two policemen standing outside of her door, ringing the doorbell.

" Excuse me. Can I help you? " She asked the men when she was closer.

" Yes. Ms, do you live here? "  One of the men asked.

" Yes. " Rory answered.

" Alright. Do you know a Kyle Winters? " The other man asked.

" Yes, he is my boyfriend. Why? Did they find him? "

" We need you to come down to the station with us. " The first man said.

Rory nodded. She had a feeling that it was serious.

The officers lead her to their car and she got in to the backseat.

They then began the drive to the station.


He watched Holly. She had hurt his love and she was now going to pay for it.

He pulled out the knife from his pocket on his jacket.

Holly's car had ' accidentally ' got a flat tire in the middle of no where. It was really him who had removed the air in the tire.

He got closer to her as she bent down do to look at the tire.

Holly must have noticed someone coming closer, because she turned around.

" Oh, it's you. " She said with disgust.

" Yes, it's me. " He said.

It was then Holly noticed the big knife in his hand.

She didn't have chance to scream before he took her hair in his hand and smashed her head in to the car.

He watched in amusement as she fell down unconscious.

He picked up her body and carried her to his car, which was hiden only a few hundred meters away.

He was going to have fun with her.


Rory got out of the car when they arrived to the station.

She walked behind the policemen as they walked in to the building.

They lead her to a office and told her to sit down and their boss would soon join her.

They then left her there all alone.

Rory waited for a few minutes before another man came in. She knew him as Robert Hana. He was the father of John Hana, a guy from her class.

" Have you found Kyle? " Rory asked as son as he stepped inside.

" Yes, we have.. But not in a good way. " Robert said.

" What do you mean? " Rory asked.

" He was found.. But not alive. "

Rory broke down in tears.

Kyle was dead.



Dead, and it was all her fault.

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