Chapter 6

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Rory starred at the text in her hands. He had killer her sister. Her stalker, who ever it was, had killer her sister.

Rory didn't know how to react. She was grieving for her sister, but was still feeling a strong hate to her stalker. If she'd known who he was, she could have killed him herself, she hated him that much.

Rory locked her phone and just looked at the black screen. At last she couldn't take it. She screamed as high as she could, not caring if anyone could hear her, and threw her phone against a wall. Unfortunately or not, the phone survived. The only thing that broker was the screen glass, but Rory didn't care. She just wanted the text to stop. No, she wanted her stalked to stop. Why couldn't he see that she didn't love him?

A week passed slowly and soon it was time for Rory to return to school. Her sisters funeral had been a few days earlier and Rory knew he had been there. Her stalked had been to her sisters funeral, just to let her know he was still there.


He was worried. Rory had not been in school for a week, and it had been driving him crazy. He had too see her and let her know he was still there. He felt like he had not choice but to go to her sister funeral, just to see her.

She looked so beautiful in her black dress. Even thought tears was streaming down her cheeks, she looked just as beautiful she always did. It was then, just as he was analysing her, she looked right at him. He thought she would be happy to see him, but she didn't even notice. He was like a ghost to her. No, he couldn't believe that. She was just acting, so that no one would know about them. It had to stay a secret until they could run away together.

She loved him and she knew it. Now he just had to prove he loved her just as much. He was going to do that by removing all those disgusting people in her life, starting with Holly.

Yes, she was still alive, but not for long.

With a creepy smile, he made his way to where he kept Holly. On the way, he picked up a knife. But he wasn't going to need that yet. First, he needed to teach dear Holly a lesson;

Don't mess with a Hana*. (*Our mystery guy is related to Robert Hana, the police officer. Dun Dun dun...)


Rory walked slowly to school. She didn't want to go there, because she knew her stalker was going to be there. He had told her himself that he was somewhere in her school and in her classes. The bare thought made chills go up Rory's arms.

Once she had arrived to school she walked to her locker, people whispering around her. She knew they where talking about her. They, unknown about her stalker, thought it was her who killed Kyle and Veronica because he was cheating on her with the sister. This was all a lie, but Rory only felt worse. Because in a way, she was the reason they where dead.

When she arrived to her locker, she opened it, and soon regretted it.

Inside was another note and with it was a lock of Holly's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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