Chapter 4

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Robert Hana tried his best to comfort the girl who was crying in his office.

He had never done this before. He didn't know how to comfort someone who lost someone they cared about. He hadn't done that before, mostly because he had never had a case which involved a murder.

The only deaths in this town was the ones who died by a natural death.


Rory cried for who-knows-how-long. She could almost feel how uncomfortable Robert Hana was when he tried to comfort her.

When Rory finally calmed down a bit, it was ruined by another bad news.

She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took out her phone and opened the text.

I have Holly. She hurt you and now she will pay for it. I'll do her even worse than I did to Kyle.

Sad about Kyle, right? Don't cry. I'm here for you, unlike Kyle. Where is he now? Gone!

You will soon realise that you love me Rory, just like I love you.

- Kyle's killer.

Rory sucked in a deep breath and she felt her eyes prickle with tears. He had killed Kyle. He will kill Holly. All because of her.

Robert, who she forgot was there, cleared his trout. He was still very uncomfortable with her crying.

" Do.. Do you know how Kyle died? " Rory asked, her voice breaking a few times.

" Eh.. Are you sure you want to know? " Robert asked her.

Not trusting her voice, Rory just nodded.

" Well.. He had his trout cut. "

Rory, once again, broke down in tears.

She couldn't understand what kind of person would do something like that. Only a psycho would do that.

She knew she had to tell Robert about her stalker.


He watched in amusement as Holly struggled to get free from the ropes.

He watched in amusement when she tried to scream, but no sound would come out as her mouth was gagged.

After a while, he got bored and decided to have some fun with her.

He got his favorite knife and walked closer to Holly.

He got happy when he saw the fear in Holly's eyes.

He brought the knife up to Holly's cheek and made a move with his hand, which caused a small wound on her cheek.

He watched as some blood dripped down on her cheek.

A part of him got aroused by having this control over the girl. If it hadn't been for Rory, he might have been satisfied with Holly.

But no, Rory was the only one he wanted.

He couldn't wait until Rory was his.

He couldn't wait until Rory was in his arms.

He then continued with his fun.

He cut small cut's everywhere on Holly's body.

Soon Holly was covered in blood and had small cut's everywhere.

He was now bored.

Time to finish of Holly.

With that, he took the knife to Holly's trout.

With one move with his hand, he cut her trout.

He felt so good where he stood, covered in Holly's blood.

He laughed coldly,  before making his way to the bathroom and the shower.

He had to get nicely cleaned up.

His family was expecting him.


Rory had just finished telling Robert Hana about the guy who had been sending her messages. She had also showed the two messages on her phone.

Robert had let her keep the phone, if she'd promise to tell if another text came. Robert had promised her that they would find out who it was that did all of this.

Rory hoped he was right. Who knows what else the stalker could do.

Robert told her that Officer Reed would drive her home. He would also stand guard outside of her house, just in case.

The rest of the police force would be out looking for Holly.

At first they weren't so sure that Holly was really taken, until they called her parent's who told them that Holly did not return home that day.

Officer Reed was an 40 - year old man, who also had a son who went in Rory's class. His name was Garrett and he was the popular guy at the school. Rory hated Garrett. He was one of them who had always played jokes on her and had teased her about her freckles.

Officer Reed drove Rory home in silence. Rory appreciated it. She wanted silence right now.

During the drive, she thought about Kyle and all the fun times they'd had together.

One of her favorite memories played up in her mind.

It was the time when Kyle had told her how much he loved her. Rory had been shocked at first, but quickly got over it. She also told him how much she loved him.

Rory smiled for the first time in a few day's.

When Reed pulled up in front of her house, she got out of the car.

Once she stepped in to her house, she instantly got multiple hugs from her parent's and siblings.

She also got many questions.

" Why didn't you tell us? " Came from her mom.

" Is Kyle really dead? " Came from her sister Veronica.

" Are you okay? " Came from her dad.

" What did you do? " Came from her brother Jacob.

Rory got mad at Jacob's question.

Why had it be something she did?

" What do you mean Jake? I didn't do anything. " Rory defended herself. She hadn't done anything, at least as far as she knew.

" I mean, you had to have done something that got this psycho going. I've read books about girls just saying no to a guy and then they got all stalker on them. So, have you pissed of a guy lately? "

Rory tried to think of someone, but ended up empty.

" You know what sweetie? Why don't you go to your room and we'll talk about this tomorrow. " Her mom said.

Rory, grateful, nodded her head and went to her room.

She decided to see if her stalker had sent anymore messages on her computer, so she started it.

When her computer was on, she saw that she had on message.

You told the cop's. I'm disappointed in you. I thought you loved me and that is how you thank me?

You will love me sooner or later. If you don't, I'll kill everyone you care about.

I'll kill them just like I killed Holly.

Make your choice.

Oh, just to let you know.

I'm watching you, so I'll know if you tell anyone.

- Holly's killer

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