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Teacher: Ok class! Today we have a new student! Please come in and introduce yourself!

A really beautiful girl entered the classroom and went to the front of the class.

Girl: Hello, I'm Irene, please take care of me!

After she introduce herself, almost all the boys on the class started cheering.

"Omg, she is really pretty!"
"She looks so innocent and cute!"

Teacher:Alright, quiet down! Irene, sit behind Y/N, Y/N, please raise your hand!

I raised my hand and Irene walked towards the seat behind me.

After class, we decided to introduce ourselves to Irene and give her a little tour around the school.

Rina: Hi Irene! I'm Rina! And these are my friends! Kiri and Y/N!

Kori: Hey.

Y/N: Hello!

Irene: Hi! It's nice to meet you!

Us: You too!

Kori: Do you want a tour around the school?

Irene: Well I'm having problem getting places in the school so sure!

Time Skip~

Kori: And this is the cafeteria.

Irene: Thanks for the tour!

Y/N: Your welcome!

Rina: Do you wanna sit with us and eat?

Irene: Sure!

For some reason, Irene gives off not a good vibe. I just decided to ignore that.

Suddenly I felt something wet and cold land on my shirt. I looked down and saw ketchup?

Irene: OMG!!! I'M SO SORRY!!!

She shouted really loudly to get people's attention.

Y/N: Um, It's ok.

She quickly took a paper towel/napkin and tried to get rid of it but it only smeared more.

'Why do I feel like she's doing this on purpose?'

I then heard little giggles coming from some of the cafeteria's tables.

Y/N: *sigh* It's ok, leave it. I'll go wash up in the bathroom.

Irene: You sure?

Y/N: Yes!

I got up and went to the bathroom. 

Irene POV

Hahahaha, that was so funny.

Irene: Girls, I'm gonna help her ok? I'll be right back.

Kori: Sure!

Rina: Ok!

I got up and started following Y/N to the girls bathroom, I took a quick peek to make sure no one was inside with her and I locked the door.

Irene: *smirk* Now you can't come out, unless someone opens the door for you but wait.

I took out a piece of tape and a marker that I had in my bag. I stuck the tape on the door and wrote "Out Of Order"

I'm lucky all the students were in the cafeteria instead if walking around. I was to keep that innocent image.

Well ofcourse I would be a bitch, it runs in the family. I only transfered to this school for my cousin. She said there was this girl that was bugging her, Y/N.

I then walked away back to the cafeteria and sat down back on the seat.

Kori: What took you so long?

Rina: Yeah, and where's Y/N?

Irene: She said she didn't want my help and sent me back. She also said to go on to class without her.

Rina: Oh ok!

Kori: Well it's almost class now so let's get going.

Irene: Ok!


After cleaning up shirt, I headed to the door to go out but it was locked.

Y/N: Huh? What?

I kept turning and shaking the knob but it won't work. I then started with plan B.

I started banging on the door with my hands and yelling.

After about five minutes of trying, I gave up, I then felt something wet run down my cheeks, I was crying. Well ofcourse I'm crying, I'm stuck in here with no food or water and it's really hot in here also, I'm don't like being in small rooms for a long time, it give me anxiety ever since I was young.

I suddenly remembered the hair pin in my hair. I took it out and tried to unlock it. Luckily, I succeeded. I opened the door quickly and fell on my knees and was panting heavily while tears were coming out.

??: Y/N?

Y/N: J..Jimin?

He ran to her quickly and pulled her close so that he covered her with his embrace. She was now hugging him while crying. He just stayed quiet and caressed her head and back to calm her and saying that it was okay. After a few minutes, she was done.

Jimin: What happened.

Y/N: I..I don't k..know, I w..was stuck in t..there, s..someone locked me in t..there.

I was shaking.

Jimin: Come on, you're not going to class, I'm taking you to the nurse's office to rest.

He picked her up bridal style.

Y/N: You k..know I could walk by m..myself.

Jimin: I know.

Y/N: Then p..put me down.

Jimin: Nope.

Y/N: Aren't I heavy?

Jimin: No you're not, your really light.

Y/N: You sure?

Jimin: Mhm.

He then carried me to the nurse's office.

Jimin: Nurse?

Nurse: Yes?

Jimin: Um, my f..friend was locked in the bathroom and she doesn't feel well.

Nurse: Well rest her on the bed to rest.

Jimin: Ok.

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