A Small Town in Washington

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When we finally made it to the Quileute Reservation mom and dad decided our first stop would not be at our new home, but at my grandparents instead.  Which I was actually excited about.  My Ona and Pops as I called them were getting older and I didn't want to regret not seeing them enough.  My Ona was 73 years old and my Pops was 75.  Their love story was the most romantic I had ever heard.  According to Pops it had been "love at first sight".  He compared seeing her for the first time to a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. 

When we finally arrived at their small but cozy home the first thing I noticed was my cousin(though he was more like my brother) standing in the yard.  As soon as the car had stopped I jumped out of the car and ran into his arms. 

"Sammy!" I almost cried "I've missed you so much"

"Care bear. You've gotten taller!" He laughed

I smiled at the nick name

Though I missed Dallas, I now knew I would always feel safe and happy hear with my family surrounding me.

Crying Wolf {Jacob Black x OC}Where stories live. Discover now