The beginning to a great night

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Jacob and I were watching a movie at his house a few days after the whole incident with Bella had gone down.  I had forgiven him, and we had a talk about trust.  Trust being that I didn't trust Bella and never wanted to see them together again.  Maybe that's a little extreme, and maybe I should have put more of this on Jacob, but what would you do if you were imprinted on a boy and that when he's not around it puts you both in physical pain? 

We were back to normal.  I knew I was completely in love with him, and that he would never intentionally hurt me.  Even in the earlier incident, he had never meant to make me upset.  He couldn't stand to see me upset.

"Jacob, I think I'm going to go see Rose tonight.  Maybe have a girls night.  Especially since you're on patrol duty.  Victoria is running around and I don't want to be alone."  I said looking at him. 

"Okay just be careful and tell blondie I said hey and to take care of my girl."  He smiled at me

Jacob and Rosalie had become unlikely friends.  It was strange but I was very happy about it.

"Okay I will." I said to him, "I'm going to head over now.  I don't want to drive in the dark.  Will you come with me?"  I asked him. 

"Of course I will"

We drove the short distance quickly, but we were jamming to old Justin Timberlake music the whole way there.  I loved that he let me act completely goofy and acted goofy with me. 

We pulled in as Rosalie and Emmett walked outside. 

Jacob rushed over to open my door for me and let me out. 

"Hey guys!" I smiled

"Hey Care!" Emmett said "have you gotten shorter?" He laughed

"Come on Caroline lets go have a girls night." Rosalie laughed

"Okay!  Bye J, I love you, please be careful tonight and let me know when you get home." I said hugging him before walking inside.

"I will I love you too" he said

We walked inside and Rosalie pulled me aside before walking into the living room. 

"So Caroline, Bella is here." Rosalie whispered to me

"What?  Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"Because I knew you wouldn't have come if I had told you.  But just a warning, she hates you for her not being able to see Jacob anymore."  She grimaced

Crying Wolf {Jacob Black x OC}Where stories live. Discover now