3: Im sick, hot new nurse

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"For the next half hour of this lesson, I want you all to begin an essay discussing how the theme of terror is explored in this poem," said Seokjin, pointing to the title of the poem written on the board.

He plopped down on the desk chair to mark the essays from his previous class as he let the boys get on with the task. But as usual, they did the complete opposite. In fact, the sheer volume of noise in the room probably meant that no one heard what he even said in the first place. Besides Jimin, who was tentatively listening, even sliding his desk slightly forwards to get a better hearing of his teacher.

"Sir!" shouted a student.

Seokjin looked up, "What is it?"

"I feel very unwell, I think I need to go to the nurse," complained the frowning boy.

Seokjin let out a sigh, "You can go after class finishes."

"No sir, I feel like I'm going to throw up!" The boy covered his mouth as he made gagging noises, alarming the other students around him.

Chairs screeched across the floor as they tried to create distance from him before he created an accident.

"Okay, okay. You can go," said Seokjin, waving his hand before focusing back on the papers in front of him.

The boy gave a devious smile to his friend beside him before darting out of the room.

"I'm surprised that sir still hasn't gotten suspicious," said Taehyung.

"I know right. That's the fourth time someone has left to go to the nurse, in one lesson," added Jackson as he balanced on the back two legs of his chair.

As Seokjin picked up his another test paper to mark, his laptop made a sound, notifying him of a new email. It was from the new nurse, about Jaebum.


A student with shaggy black hair shifted his focus from outside the window to Seokjin. The teacher cleared his throat and gulped as the guy stared at him. Jaebum was a student Seokjin always avoided and tried not to bother, so did every other person in the school. Everything about him was a mystery and people preferred it that way.

He was the main character in the school's gossip, stories of him being in a gang or being any other sort of criminal wasn't uncommon. It didn't help that underneath his uniform, he was covered in tattoos, the one on his neck sometimes peaked through when he moved his head.

"The school nurse wants you to go get your prescribed medicine."

As Jaebum slowly walked through the aisle between desks, boys hushed their mouths and lowered their eyes to the floor. Even breaths were held as he walked by them, his presence oozing with power and dominance. He might be the loneliest and quietest student but without a doubt he was the most feared person in the school, by both students and adults.

Despite it being Haera's first day at the school, she was busier than expected with a knock on the door every ten minutes.

She opened the metal grey cabinet doors and took out a white paper bag.

"This is for if your sickness gets worse," she said, passing the bag to the boy dramatically groaning as he rubbed his stomach.

"I'm not pretending! I really am unwell, I think I just need to lie down here for a couple of hours and then I will be better," he said as he lowered himself on the bed he sat on.

Haera sighed,walking away from him to open the room door. "Come back to me with that bag full and then I might actually believe you. Now leave."

The petite boy sighed as he purposefully walked out slowly, dragging his dirty trainers across the floor.

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