1: Just a Prank

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"I don't think I've made myself clear. But you can't be putting pencils on people's seats," said Seokjin, pointing to the yellow pencil that was broken in half.

The two friends glanced at each other and simultaneously rolled their eyes. Their break time had been wasted by their homeroom teacher who spent the whole time lecturing them.

"Come on, Mr Kim. It actually isn't that deep," said one of the boys, tugging at his tie to loosen them.

"Exactly," added his friend beside him before loudly chewing his gum, "It was just a prank."

"A prank that ended up with your classmate being rushed to the hospital," Seokjin pointed out, frowning at them, "Jungkook and Yugyeom. You aren't kids anymore, you're seniors. You have to fix up before you leave school and the real world hits you."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just give the detention and lets move on," said Jungkook, waving his hand with annoyance.

He began to rise from his seat and his friend quickly followed. Seokjin closed his eyes and cleared his throat, quickly debating with himself if what he was about to say was a good idea.

"Next time, I won't give you just detention. I will ban you from the school football team," threatened Seokjin.

He gulped, taken aback by his brave and stern words. He was slightly fearful and so when the two boys fell on their chairs, he winced. However, alongside being petrified as hell, he was also impressed and proud of his rare strictness. Seeing how distraught the two students looked, he felt his confidence increasing. Seokjin fixed his tie and lifted his chin, attempting to glare at them.

"You can't do that, sir!" they shouted in unison.

Forget being best friends, they might as well be the same person.

"I don't think you understand how important it is that I'm part of the team," said Jungkook, "they are nothing  without us!"

Yugyeom eagerly nodded his head in agreement. Seokjin had to refrain himself from smiling in the situation, seeing the troublemakers stare at him with such abject terror displayed in their eyes. For the first time in a while, he felt like he had won.

"If you don't want to be removed from the team then the both of you will need to get your act together," said Seokjin, "okay, you may leave now. You have wasted enough of my break time."

He waved them away before putting the broken pencil in the bin. As they made their way out of the door, Seokjin picked up the bin and called out for Yugyeom.

"What?" said the tall boy, glaring at his teacher.

"Spit out your gum. You know it's against the school rule."

Yugyeom's jaw clenched as he shut his mouth tightly. After realising that Seokjin wasn't going to give up, he finally emptied his mouth with a loud distasteful spit.

Just when they were about to leave, the bell chimed, indicating the start of third period. The two boys groaned.

"For fucks sake, we didn't even get a break," complained Jungkook.

"Language," warned Seokjin, a small smirk playing upon his lips.

They turned around and proceeded to walk to the back of the class, where they always sat.

"Hold on. I want the both of you sitting in the opposite ends of this front row."

"Are you- Are you actually joking?" exclaimed Yugyeom.

"I need to keep an eye on you. Don't want another casualty or your position in the football team at stake, do we?"

By the menacing look Jungkook was giving him, Seokjin was almost certain the troubled teenager was going to hurtle a punch his way any second. The unsure teacher, held his breath, bracing himself for what fate lied in the next few moments.

However, the old door burst open and more than dozens of rowdy teenage boys lumbered in one after the other. Seokjin let out his breath he'd been holding. Jungkook and Yugyeom sat in their new seats without any further complaints.

"Welcome boys!" he exclaimed, smiling warmly, "Excited for a fun Literature lesson?"

As per usual, they all ignored him, more preoccupied by their conversations. In their opinion, a spider web in the many corners of the dirty classroom was more interesting than either Seokjin or his lessons.

"Why are you two sitting at the front?" called out a deep voice, belonging to a boy with blonde hair, that was obviously done at home with a cheap box dye. 

He knew perfectly well why they were sat there but being a bratty friend was just one of his many talents, other than gossiping.

"Yesssss! That means I get to sit by the window!" screeched another boy, an accent hinted in his speech. He ran for Jungkook's old desk, pushing past the blonde boy, almost tripping over his backpack held in his hand.

"Watch it!" scowled the blonde boy, picking the bag up to his chest and giving it a tight embrace.

The foreign boy turned around and smirked, "Taehyung, you drama queen. Why are you acting as if your fake Gucci bag is legit?"

Taehyung blushed as the people around him began to snigger. 

When he showed his back, Taehyung took the opportunity to grab a textbook lying on someone's desk.

"Give me back my fucking book!"

He swung the book back, before hurtling straight for the boy's head. The classroom erupted with cheers at his perfect aim as Taehyung pumped his fists in the air.

"Jackson and Taehyung, will you please leave that behaviour outside the classroom!"

Seokjin sighed at the commotion right before his eyes. There was no point shouting at them when they always behaved as if he wasn't even in the room.

 "Hey, Mr Kim."

Seokjin turned his attention towards the door. Compared to his peers in the class, this boy was much smaller. He trudged in, his heavy oversized backpack bouncing behind him as he clutched papers in his hands. The boy wore thick rimmed glasses, it's frame was just as dark as his hair shaped into a bowl-cut.

"Can you mark my essay analysis of Counting The Stars At Night?"

He passed the paper towards Seokjin and slid his glasses up his nose. Before he could continue talking to him, the boy noticed something very abnormal from the corner of his eyes. On the next desk beside his usual window seat was where Jungkook was situated.

When Jungkook met his eyes, Jimin quickly averted his gaze to the window, praying the move seemed natural. 

"Hey Jimin. New seat buddy," said Jungkook, putting up his hand as the boy sat on his seat.

Since his greeting was ignored, he began to continue the conversation, "I hope your handwriting is nice and clear cause I am not going to be straining my eyes when I need to look at your paper for answers."

"Well I hope you brought a magnifying glass because my handwriting is as small as your-" Jimin lowered his eyes to Jungkook's trousers. He smirked.

Jungkook sat up, suddenly feeling competitive. 

"Bet mine is bigger than yours."

Jimin scoffed and shook his head before getting out his equipment to start another hour of 'productive' learning. Although he wasn't sure how that was going to be possible when the hottest and most annoying guy was sitting only a metre away.

A/N: How do you like this first opening chapter? I'm really excited to start writing this story, although I'm not sure how often I will be updating because of school aghhh.

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