4: jin the spy

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Somehow Haera managed to work two weeks in the school without getting caught up in any trouble. How that ended up happening, she didn't know herself. The student Jaebum didn't cause any trouble like she thought he would which helped prevent any suspicions. Now that the school term was over, the best part came. Holiday.

She was relieved to finally stop working in the school for the next week because it meant more time could be used to focus on the job she actually enjoyed. It didn't give her much income but it was something she enjoyed miles more than sitting in a school nurse's room listening to what mediocre problem those teenage boys were having.

The school had a little tradition of always celebrating the end of the term by going out together. This time, they had chosen to go to a karaoke bar...

"Do you know why this school is so shit!?"

Miss Han's words came out slurred, her drunkenness had taken a toll on her control over her tongue. Her head bopped from side to side, her dark mop of hair occasionally being lightened by the colourful disco ball hung above the rectangular karaoke room.

"It's all because of Bang Sihyuk," she continued.

"Ooooooohhhh" the room chorused as a reply to her valiantly dropping the formality of 'Prinicpial' in her speech.

Haera sighed, pressing the home button of her phone to check the time. They still had an hour left before their karaoke session was over. She let out a groan, slumping back on the uncomfortable couch which felt lumpy on her back as if the stuffing inside the furniture had been unevenly shifted.

Miss Han continued cursing out the principal, "If he wasn't such a soft little bitch, these stupid kids wouldn't be taking so many liberties."

The other teachers laughed theatrically, slapping their own thighs and each others backs. Every one of them were out of their minds, besides Haera and Seokjin.

Suddenly, Coach Min's laughter turned into choking as the smile on his face instantly dropped. As Miss Han spat out more profanities, the room's high-spirit began to evacuate out of the door that was now open with Principal Bang standing there with cans of beer in his hand.

Now it's getting interesting, Haera smiled behind her hand she used to cover her mouth.

"His weak ass, punk ass, impotent ass-"

The rest of her words were unclear and muffled due to Seokjin's hand despreately trying to cover her mouth. She struggled attempting to push his arm away from her, during the process she'd occasionally smack him and tug his hair.

"Ahhahaha. Miss Han you are so hilarious, I can't believe who you were talking about had the same name as our AMAZING and TALENTED principal!" Jung Hoseok's attempt to take control of an out of hand situation simply was way too forced and exagerated that it might have only made the situation worse.

"Oh goodness, Prinicipal Bang!," Kim Namjoon stood up before repetitively bowing to the baffled man who was visibly hurt by Miss Han's words, "I didn't even see you there, please let me help you out with those drinks."

Principal Bang uncomfortably circled around the low table, sitting in his usual seat which was right across Miss Han.

"Get off me you rat!" she'd finally managed to bite him to escape, "You know what you are? You're a weak ass little bitch too! You can't control your class for shit. Sucks that you have the worst pupils in your class and maybe even a potential criminal with that Jaebum kid."

Haera's eyebrows shot up and she quickly looked away to the karaoke screen to avoid any suspicion.

Coach Min loudly clapped to get everyone's attention, "How about I sing a little song for you all! Haera, would you like to join me?"

Haera laughed, shaking her head. "I'm just going to sit here and enjoy the show."

"Oh, Principal Bang!" Heesoo finally acknowledged the person who she'd been cursing all along, "Finally you are back with the drinks."

She leaned across the table, slightly raising her bottom off the couch to snatch a can of beer that he was still holding from being frozen speechless.

Haera sighed, tugging at her turtleneck that felt like it was increasingly tightening around her neck like a chain. The room was small and stuffy, made worse by the lack of air conditioner. It didn't help that she'd been drinking, which only rose her temperature.

"Gosh when is this going to be over? It's too hot," sighed Namjoon, he looked to his right at Haera, "Why are you always wearing turtlenecks?"

"I get cold easily," She shrugged her shoulders as the lie came out effortlessly.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity the principal clapped his hands and exclaimed their little gathering had come to an end. He was met with disapproving groans from a few, the loudest being Heesoo. Haera practically jumped up from the couch and was the first one out of the door, quickly bowing to everyone and wishing them a safe journey home.

She walked through the busy streets of Hongdae, filled with young groups of friends and happy couples. The sound of cheery pop music juxtaposed with rap music; occasionally she could hear loud claps and eruptions of cheers coming from circle of people watching dance performances in the centre.

Haera put her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket, now that she was outside, the chilly air was starting to make her shiver. She leisurely walked down the congested street, smiling a little as she thought back to her youth which was spent causing mischief with her trouble-making friends in the area.

Suddenly, her eyes caught onto a silhouette leaning against the wall of an alleyway. Haera stopped and squinted her eyes trying to make out why he looked so much like Jaebum. As she went closer, she realised her guess was right. Angrily, she marched towards him.

Unbeknownst  to her, Seokjin was a few metres behind her since his home was in the same way. He only noticed Haera when she paced to the alleyway adjacent to the street he was walking on. He noticed the person against the wall was Jaebum too. Seokjin felt curious as to why she was approaching him since any connection between the school nurse and the quiet boy seemed unlikely.

"What are you doing here!" she spat through clenched teeth.

Jaebum rolled his eyes, grazing his cigarette bud across the brick wall.

"I'm just-"

"Are you stalking me?" she questioned him, "I told you not to cause trouble with me and you listened well so why are you following me now?"

Seokjin raised a brow, from her expression she was clearly angry. What did Jaebum do to make her lose her temper?

"You are actually being paranoid. I was here before you!" he exclaimed, "How can you accuse me of stalking you when I'm literally just hanging out in the most busy area in our country."

Haera crossed her arms. "I just don't want to lose my job through people getting suspicious of us knowing each other before I came to your school."

"If anyone asks, just say I am your cousin or something," he said, "And also, you might want to use that lie on Mr Kim because he is looking right at us right now."

Haera clenched her jaw. "Don't joke around with me."

"I'm not," he said with a playful smirk before disappearing into the alleyway.

She turned around back to look at the crowd to see if Seokjin was actually there but she couldn't find him.

Haera let out a huge sigh of relief. Her break from the hell hole had begun. Finally she could stop being so secretive and really be her true self, not having to worry about losing her job.

A/N: Now we have this intro to the story out of the way, I can finally push the plot forwards. It might be a little confusing for you now but all will come clear from the next chapter.

What do you think is the connection between her and Jaebum? And, what do you think the secret is? I've dropped a few clues ;) - Panda

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