My Life Without You

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My life without you.

My life without you

Would be like a shadow

With no more streets of gold

No one to hold me

No one to love me

No one to call my own

Easy street would no longer exist

My best friend would disappear

All the color would turn black and white

And all my flowers would wilt

Nobody would see me smile

When that ocean current pulled me under

That's where I would stay

My center core would erode to nothing

The nights would last all through the day

So I guess my biggest wish is that I'll never live to see

My life without you.


So I know that one wasn't my greatest, but it sums a lot

of things up :D I hope you like it and everything because it's

me telling how I feel through how I write, I gues.....

Did that sound cheesy??? :O Oops...

Well, I hope you enjoyed it,



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