Chapter 1: The Day everything changed

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This is the story of how the lives of 4 kids changed the small town of Lakemill as they knew it.

The story begins I guess at the beginning of the January term at
Lakemill High, where at 7:25 am there's a girl known to us as Alison, she is sat in the study room as she does every morning, or should I say did. That's me. Also in the halls of Lakemill is a boy, Luke to be precise, he is the type of boy that you would expect to be into football and be incredibly popular based on his looks and build, but instead he is the quiet type. Never even played football and is never really surrounded by any of the "popular" kids. The one person you would never find Luke without however is me. Me and Luke are as close as brother and sister, we have known each other since we were babies but of course as we all know, every friendship has its complications and mine and Luke's complication was our families. My parents are the definition of the need to be perfect, and Luke,  well he isn't really perfect, his parents have split, he isn't a straight A student and he doesn't strive to be perfect. I have had countless arguments with my parents about Luke, telling them how absurd they were being and I guess in the end they accepted that me and Luke are friends but they never accepted Luke as a singular person.
Lakemill High is starting to full up with the students now as Luke makes his way to the study room to get me. He finds me sitting in our usual spot, the table up the very back corner, with my sketch pad in hand.
“Hey Al, what you drawing?” Luke asks as he walks up and takes his seat beside me
“Hey Black, just drawing the flowers that we saw yesterday.” I turn the pad so that he could see it
“wow, Al that's really good. But what have I told you about calling me my last name, I hate it can't you just use my name?” he laughed, still staring at the flowers I had drawn
“Fine but I don't know why you don't like you surname Luke it's ridiculous but thank you for the compliment”
“Meh it's a rubbish name, but changing the subject, what are we in first today?” Luke asked getting out his phone to check
“We are in English with Mrs Blake and then we have a free period.” I replied before he could even unlock his phone “Luke we have been at this school for five years and you still don't know your timetable” I add giving Luke a friendly shove and refocus on my drawing.
“True Al very true, but why would I want to learn my timetable if I have my best friend who knows it all? Besides that is hardly the point, what are we doing second period if we have no class?”
“Geez Luke you seriously have the memory of a gold fish. We have a tour to do for the new twins” not taking my eyes off the flowers I laugh
“Oh yeah, so we do.” he said frowning.
Luke and I were both on the welcome committee and he was usually super excited when we got allocated a new tour but hearing the frown in his voice made me look up, I saw that Luke was in fact frowning.
“Luke? What's wrong, are you ok?” I asked, worried about my best friend
“Yeah yeah I'm fine”
“Luke come on you know I can tell when you are lying. What's wrong?” I asked again this time frowning myself. Me and Luke never kept anything from each other so why is he not telling me...

The first school bell rings for first period, I begin to pack my things away.
“Luke listen I am going to run to the ladies room quickly, wait on me?” I asked still frowning.
“Yeah sure thing Al, I'll pack up the rest of your things for you” He seemed to have recovered from his down spell.
“Thanks Luke you're the best”
As I head out the study room I am suddenly knocked off my feet
“Oh!” I exclaim as I hit the ground. Luke hears what happens and runs to help me up.
“Al are you ok?” he looks up at the person who ran into me “what the hell man?” he says as he stands me up. I look up at whoever knocked me down for the first time
“Jamie?!” I say recognizing the boy
“Oh my god Alison?!” Jamie says shocked
“Wait Al You know him?” Luke asks looking very confused
“Yeah Luke this is Jamie, the boy from England that I told you about” I say to Luke and then turn back to Jamie “Wait, Jamie if your here then does that mean...” before I could finish “Alison?!” Luke turns around and see's a girl with jet black hair and blue eyes and gasps. At the same time I let go of Luke's hand, which I hadn't realized I was holding and ran towards her
“OH MY GOD SOPHIE!” I say as I throw my arms around her and laugh. I look back at Luke and see him looking at Sophie, just then the second bell for first period rings. I walk back over to Luke, “I think we better head or we will be late” I say taking his hand and towing him out the room.
“That was a bit rude Al...” Luke said when we were out the room
“Luke you can't be late for this class, you are still under watch from last year. Besides we will see them next period” I state,  letting go of his hand and walking forward. He runs up behind me and grabs me hand again.
“Al I'm sorry, I know that all you ever do is look out for me.”
English went by quite fast we got given out our new novel it was 'The Great Gatsby' we read the first chapter and analyzed it. Just as we were about to start the questions the bell rang.

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