Chapter 5: nightmares and reality

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I was in my room listening to my favorite song drawing in my sketchpad when suddenly my phone rang, I walked over to my desk and picked up my phone it was Luke
'Hey Luke what's up?' I greet him
'Hey Al coming a walk?' He said cheerful
'Sure where are we going?'
'I was thinking we could go to our spot?' He said uncertain
'Yeah that's fine, where will I get you?' I asked
'Get me at the spot in ten minutes' and then he hung up the phone
As I walked up to the rock we usually sat at I realized that it felt wrong Luke should be there but he wasn't. That's when I herd him shout
'Al get out of here go! Run!' He screamed at me, I turned to try and figure out where his voice came from then I saw him, he was on his knees with a boy who look not much older than him holding a gun to his head when my body finally got over the shock I began to run, not away from them but towards them when hear someone move behind me, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head, my knees buckled under me and I fell down the hill feeling my clothes tear and the rocks pierce my skin. When I finally stopped falling I dragged myself to my feet trying to ignore the excruciating pain at the back of my head, I was now standing only a few feet away from Luke and the other boy.
'Big mistake coming here Alison Summervale, very big indeed.' The boy holding the gun snarled at me
'Y-you know my name?' I said not taking my eyes off the gun pressed against Luke's head
'Of course I do, its a pity we can't get to know each other' he removed the gun from Luke's head and kicked him aside, leaving Luke to fall to his stomach, he turned his attention to me and began to move the gun upwards till it was pointed at my chest, I closed my eyes knowing that there was nothing else I could do but my eyes were not long closed before I opened them at the sound of Luke's roar of horror. He was on his feet, flinging himself in front of me just as the boy fired the gun. After the shot he turns and flees the scene and I fall to my knees where Luke is laying
'Luke? Hey Luke open your eyes stay with me Ok? You hear me? Stay with me' I move him to my knees as his eyelids flutter and his eyes struggle to find me
'Al I'm sorry, I am so so sor-' he is stopped shot chocking on blood
'Shh shh you're going to be Ok Luke. You are going to make it, stay with me' his eyes start to close 'no Luke don't you close your eyes! Don't you dare close your eyes!'
'Alison- I love...' His eyes fall and I feel the pressure of his hand on mine leave.
'No! NO! LUKE OPEN YOUR EYES! PLEASE! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!' I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders pulling me away from Luke's body.
'Alison come on you have to let him go' it was Jamie, somehow him and Sophie had appeared here and I hadent realized. I continue to fight against him but he's pulling me away
'No stop! Get off me! I need to stay with Luke! Jamie get off!' I am screaming at him whilst kicking at him to let me go
'Alison wake up! Wake up Alison!'

When I fly up on my bed my head strikes something solid
"Oh!" I say trying to get my eyes to adjust and I see Sophie fitting at the end of my bed
"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you, but your mum let me in and you were sweating and shouting so I am thought I should wake you up. Are you ok Al?" She asks rubbing her head
"Wh-yeah I'm fine just a bad dream that's all. What are you doing up so early anyway?" I said looking at her suspiciously
"This early? Al its 3 O'Clock you missed school so I thought I'd come and see if you were ok"
"Oh... Wait what? I've slept the whole day?!" I exclaimed tying to wrap my head round it when I remember the nightmare I had just woken up from "was-was today?"
"What? Oh Luke? Yeah he was in, he didn't look to great though he looks like he hasn't slept in ages" she said frowning a little.
I felt a wave of both relief and heartache, Luke was alive but he still hated me. Me and Sophie sat in my room for a few hours and then she left to go have some dinner.
I got up and went for a shower, every part of me protested as I tried to get undressed I hoped that the hot water would help, it didn't. I eventually gave up on trying to fix my hair after drying it and decided that I was going to sketch to try and get my mind off the nightmare.

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